OLYMPIA -- An initiative designed to make changes in the state's initiative law has enough signatures to be sent to the Legislature. As expected, the Secretary of State's office cleared Initiative 517 for the next step, which is a decision by the Legislature whether to…
About one worker out of nine is represented by a union nationwide In Washington, that number is close to one worker out of five. In Idaho, it's closer to one worker out of 20. This from the latest figures on union membership from the U.S.…
OLYMPIA -- Senators and representatives will spend a bit of time with each other again this morning as the Legislature meets in joint session to hear a report on the state of the state's judiciary. That means relatively few hearings in the morning, but a…
OLYMPIA -- Last week, Sen. Pam Roach defended herself against allegations that she continues to abuse staff, despite previous warnings and sanctions that for a while kept her out of the GOP caucus. This week, Undead Olympia, a web site that loves to poke fun…
Sen. Padden address the March for Life demonstration on the steps of the Capitol. OLYMPIA -- A proposed law requiring parents to be notified of an abortion for any woman under 18 will get a hearing in a Senate committee this year, and possibly a…
OLYMPIA -- State officials appear to be hoping for the best while preparing for the worst as Washington and the federal government try to determine how the state will license and regulate marijuana. After a meeting in Washington, D.C., with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder…
OLYMPIA -- Anti-abortion activists will be at the Capitol today to mark the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The annual protest is usually one of the largest of any session. Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, is likely to get cheers from the crowd for…
OLYMPIA – In legalizing marijuana last fall, voters created more questions for the Legislature, not fewer. Some, including how the federal government is going to react, can’t be answered yet, officials from the State Liquor Control Board told the Senate committee Monday. Law and Justice…
Taylor Malone of Spokane removed her shirt during a protest to symbolize that with cuts to programs, some people have to make the choice between feeding their familes and buying them clothes OLYMPIA -- Some 300 people, including about 75 from Spokane, marched through downtown…
OLYMPIA -- Activists will march on the Capitol today, asking for several things. The Community Action Network will be highlighting racial equality, or the lack of it, as they march from downtown Olympia to the Capitol steps. The state chapter of the Council on American-Islamic…
OLYMPIA – The start of a new Legislature with a new administration is much given over to pomp and ceremony, so it wasn’t too surprising that most of the players aren’t yet bringing their A game when it comes to rhetoric. Still, there were troubling…
OLYMPIA – Washington State University uses many tools to combat binge drinking by students, from mandatory information programs to counseling to notifying parents, a school official told a legislative panel Friday. But the rate of binge drinking is still about the national average, roughly two…
OLYMPIA -- Rep. Joel Kretz made good today on his promise to help Western Washington enjoy one of the "advantages" Eastern Washington has -- wolves. Kretz, R-Wauconda, introduced a bill that would allow the Department of Fish and Wildlife to "translocate" wolves that are captured…
Jay Inslee takes questions during his first press conference as governor. OLYMPIA -- State and federal agencies studying potential impacts of a new coal terminals near Bellingham must consider the effects of increased train traffic on Spokane and other cities around the state, Gov. Jay…
OLYMPIA -- After three days of pomp and ceremony, the Legislature gets down to work in earnest today with a full schedule of committee hearings through the afternoon. Gov. Jay Inslee has a noon press conference. Some people are wandering around the Capitol in purple,…
Inslee delivers his speech to a joint session of the Legislature. If you can't get enough of Inauguration Day rhetoric, wonder what else was in the Gov. Jay Inslee's speech or the GOP response, we can help. Click here to go inside the blog to…
OLYMPIA -- At a table adorned with an ice sculpture of a salmon, State Rep. Ross Hunter gets advice on an appetizer selection from Kyla Applegate of Skagit Valley College. The salmon sliders are popular, she said.
OLYMPIA – There were two inaugural balls in Olympia Wednesday. One was attended by about Gov. and Mrs. Inslee, other state officials and an estimated 3,000 other folks, men mostly in formal coat and tie and a few kilts, and women mostly in long dresses…
Inslee goes up for a rebound in an Inaugural Day game at the governor's mansion. OLYMPIA -- Gov. Jay Inslee is a self-proclaimed hoopaholic who likes basketball so much his staff organized a pick-up game to provide a break in Inauguration Day. He likes it…
OLYMPIA -- Republican legislators said they agreed with Gov. Jay Inslee the state has to focus on getting more jobs, but disagreed with some of his plans to do that. They also disagreed with his contention that the science on global warming is settled and…
We are the right state, at the right time, with the right people. Nine of 10 of the hottest years on record happened in the last decade. Pacific waters are becoming too acidic. In Eastern Washington, our long tradition in agriculture could be threatened if…
Across our state, we need real innovation, real reform using proven models and real accountabilty. Science, technology, engineering and math are just as important to the next generation that the 3 Rs were to my generation. We cannot allow funding debates to mask deeper problems…