WA Lege Day 92: Budget votes later today
OLYMPIA -- The House and Senate are expected to spend quite a bit of time passing bills today, or at least talking about which bills they will try to pass.
The House may vote on both the Capital and the Transportation budgets, which are written and approved separately from the operating budget. Senate Democrats will explain their plans for trying to get two bills that they like but have been unable to move out of committee -- the Reproductive Parity Act and the state Dream Act -- onto the Senate floor for a debate.
The RPA would require any insurance plan that covers maternity services to also cover abortion. The Dream Act would allow children who came to the United States with their parents as undocumented immigrants when they were young, but attended school and graduated in Washington to be eligible for certain state college aid programs. Both have passed the House, and may have 25 votes if they get to the full Senate, but don't have enough support from the Majority Caucus leadership to make it out of committee or onto the floor.