OLYMPIA -- Medical examiners would have permission to discuss their conclusions from the autopsies for people killed during law enforcement actions under a bill that passed the Senate unanimously Friday. The proposal, prompted by several high-profile cases in the Spokane area with fatalities involving local…
It remains unclear how much the city will pay a retired judge to investigate “circumstances” that led Police Chief Frank Straub to place his assistant chief on paid administrative leave. Assistant Police Chief Scott Stephens was placed on leave by Straub in December. City officials…
OLYMPIA -- A resolution praising a school program to teach firearms safety to kids briefly ignited the gun-control debate in the state Senate this morning. The resolution was in support of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, which is sponsored by the National Rifle Association and…
OLYMPIA -- The Senate began its day with a resolution honoring former U.S. Rep. Norm Dicks, with a string of legislators telling stories of how the long-term congressman helped them with a project an issue or a campaign. Dicks, who retired last year after 36…
OLYMPIA -- Legislators in both houses will likely spend most of the day at their desks, voting on a wide variety of bills that have to be moved to the other chamber by next Wednesday or be declared dead. The Senate is scheduled to vote…