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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control archive for March 2013

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2013

Legislative town hall meetings in Spokane

Spokane-area residents will have chances to ask their legislators what’s going on in Olympia this weekend at several town hall meetings scheduled for Saturday. Sen. Andy Billig, Reps. Timm Ormsby and Marcus Riccelli, all Democrats from central Spokane’s 3rd District, have a 10 a.m. meeting…

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Greenhouse gas task force gets OK

OLYMPIA -- A special task force to figure out how well the state is doing at reducing greenhouse gas emissions got strong support from the Senate today after it was changed to get to work faster. A critic, however, said the Legislature was paying attention…

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WA Lege Day 59: Deadline looms

OLYMPIA -- Somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 bills face a timely death today at 5 p.m. Timely because if they don't pass the chamber where they were introduced, they are essentially dead for the session. The Senate began work on their list of bills…

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Background check bill dies

OLYMPIA – Democrats abandoned a bill to require wider background checks for gun purchases late Tuesday after disagreements over the proposals caused the House of Representatives to grind to a halt for a second afternoon Tuesday. “It does not appear we are going to make…

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New marijuana rules proposed

OLYMPIA -- Changes to last year's recreational marijuana law that a sponsor says will make it more workable will get a hearing next week in a House committee Rep. Christopher Hurst, D-Enumclaw, wants to shrink the distance restrictions for locating stores that sell marijuana and…

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Inslee names Health, Early Learning heads

OLYMPIA -- Gov. Jay Inslee continued filling cabinet slots today with three appointments. Bud Hover, an Okanogan rancher and former county commissioner, was named director of the Department of Agriculture. John Wiesman, Clark County Public Health director, was named director of the Department of Health.…

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MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2013

House passes 4 mental health bills

OLYMPIA -- The House gave overwhelming support this afternoon to four bills designed to tighten up mental health laws involving violent people. It gave unanimous support expanded the ability of victims of stalking and "cyberstalking" to seek protective orders from a court, in a bill…

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OLYMPIA -- Gov. Jay Inslee lobbies Rep. Maureen Walsh, R-Walla Walla, at her desk on the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote on the universal background check shortly after noon on Monday. A package of gun-control bills is expected to come to votes in the House later in the day. (Jim Camden)

House may vote on gun bills today

Gov. Jay Inslee talks with Rep. Maureen Walsh, R-Walla Walla, during a visit to the House to lobby for votes on a bill to require universal background checks on gun purchases. OLYMPIA -- The House is expected to take up a package of bills supporters…

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Sunday Spin2: Breathe deep, then hold it

Then there was Rep. Ed Orcutt, R-Kalama, who had the bad sense to be flippant in an e-mail, which in 2013 amounts to spray painting an expletive about one’s boss on a brick wall, and signing one’s name. Orcutt derided the House Democrats’ recent proposal…

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Autopsy comment bill passes Senate

OLYMPIA -- Medical examiners would have permission to discuss their conclusions from the autopsies for people killed during law enforcement actions under a bill that passed the Senate unanimously Friday. The proposal, prompted by several high-profile cases in the Spokane area with fatalities involving local…

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Cost for Stephens' investigation unknown

It remains unclear how much the city will pay a retired judge to investigate “circumstances” that led Police Chief Frank Straub to place his assistant chief on paid administrative leave. Assistant Police Chief Scott Stephens was placed on leave by Straub in December. City officials…

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Gun debate flares in WA Senate

OLYMPIA -- A resolution praising a school program to teach firearms safety to kids briefly ignited the gun-control debate in the state Senate this morning. The resolution was in support of the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, which is sponsored by the National Rifle Association and…

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Dicks to Senate: Work together

OLYMPIA -- The Senate began its day with a resolution honoring former U.S. Rep. Norm Dicks, with a string of legislators telling stories of how the long-term congressman helped them with a project an issue or a campaign. Dicks, who retired last year after 36…

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Senate pushes more school changes

OLYMPIA – The Senate spent part of a second day making changes to the state’s education laws, approving a plan to identify and change “persistently failing” schools and removing certain outdated mandates for schools. To read the rest of this item, or to comment, go…

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House passes election changes

OLYMPIA – Some would-be voters would have more time to register online, and younger ones could “pre-register” as early as age 16 under election law changes approved Thursday by the House. Often by large margins, the House passed and sent to the Senate a handful…

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