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Spin Control archive for May 2013

FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2013

Spec Sess Day 19: Budget writers in the open

OLYMPIA -- A rare public work day for the Senate's budget writers, who reportedly have been meeting privately -- albeit unsuccessfully to this point -- on a compromise for the state's 2013-15 operating budget. The Senate Ways and Means Committee has a hearing this morning…

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THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2013

Spec Sess Day 18: House back. Maybe voting?

OLYMPIA -- The House of Representatives returns to the floor this morning, with members expecting to vote on a bill involving the state's estate tax. After a work schedule that might charitably be described as light, that may seem a heavy lift, considering the bill…

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Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream to back I-522

One of the founders of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream said today his Vermont-based company will back a Washington initiative to require all foods to be labeled if they contain genetically modified ingredients. Jerry Greenfield said Wednesday the company would give away "tons" of ice…

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Panel passes estate tax change

OLYMPIA -- A bill that would fix what some believe is a loophole in the estate tax created by a state Supreme Court ruling passed a House committee Wednesday. Supporters said it would provide fairness to the state tax system by requiring the wealthiest residents…

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Inslee to Legislature: Pick up the pace

OLYMPIA -- Time is running out for the work the Legislature needs to do in the special session, Gov. Jay Inslee said today. Inslee called a committee vote earlier in the morning on legislation go fix a problem with the state's estate tax "good progress",…

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Sen. Mike Carrell dead

OLYMPIA -- The State Senate held a moment of silence today for Sen. Mike Carrell, R-Lakewood, who died earlier this morning. Carrell, 69, a 19-year veteran of the Legislature, was a champion of legislation to help at-risk youth, fight sex trafficking, help members of the…

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Spec Sess Day 17: Signs of life?

OLYMPIA -- The House Finance Committee holds one of its first hearings of the special session this morning on a proposal to revamp the estate and transfer tax on some property sales. You remember the special session. The one that started 17 days ago and…

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TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013

SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2013

FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2013

THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2013

Poll: 'Cut spending' beats 'Raise taxes'

A new survey suggests Washington voters would rather the Legislature cut spending than raise taxes, the folks at Moore Information say. Wow. Bet you didn't see that coming. (Next week, Moore will poll people on whether they'd rather have rain or sunshine tomorrow.) As with…

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TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2013

Workers get 'password protection'

OLYMPIA -- Employers can't ask their current workers or job applicants for access to their social media accounts under a law signed Tuesday. Sometimes called the "Facebook Bill", Senate Bill 5211 makes it illegal for an employer to request a worker or a job applicant…

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Wolf bill signed into law

OLYMPIA -- Washington will set up a special fund to pay for losses of livestock to the state's growing wolf population under a bill signed Tuesday. The new law sets aside up to $50,000 each year from the money raised by selling personalized license plate…

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Inslee on Med School flap: We can work it out

OLYMPIA -- Gov. Jay Inslee downplayed any conflict between the state's two research universities over operations at the new joint medical school facility in Spokane, saying he wouldn't even call it a disagreement. "I'm confident that we can find a way that Huskies and Cougars…

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Suit filed to keep Hamilton off ballot

Spokane City Council candidate Mark Hamilton’s residency problems continue. Two voters in Spokane's northeast council district filed a lawsuit today claiming that Hamilton's name should not be allowed on the ballot because he was not a resident of the city or district for a full…

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MONDAY, MAY 20, 2013

OLYMPIA -- Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Mike Padden, R-Spokane Valley, talk before Inslee signs Padden's bill to allow medical examiners to discuss the results of autopsies of people who die in custody or in actions with police. (Jim Camden)

Inslee signs autopsy bill

Gov. Jay Inslee and Sen. Mike Padden talk before the autopsy bill is signed. OLYMPIA – Spokane County’s medical examiners should feel free to talk about the results of investigations into deaths that involve actions by law enforcement officers. Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill…

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Inslee vetoes part of transportation budget

OLYMPIA – A legislative compromise over a controversial bridge over the Columbia River was sliced out of the state’s $8.8 billion transportation budget Monday by Gov. Jay Inslee, who insisted it would endanger federal money and could lead to the bridge not being built. Just…

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OLYMPIA -- Ava Conner, age 6, joins a rally on the Capitol steps in support of new package of transportation projects and taxes. (Jim Camden)

Supporters of roads package rally

Ava Conner, 6, accompanied her mother Jennifer to the Capitol for today's rally for a transportation package. OLYMPIA -- Shouts of "Pass it Now" filled the Capitol steps this morning as supporters of a new package of taxes and road projects tried to goad the…

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SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2013

FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2013

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2013

The Spokesman-Review's political team keeps a critical eye on local, state and national politics.

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May 2013
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