Spec Sess Day 18: House back. Maybe voting?
OLYMPIA -- The House of Representatives returns to the floor this morning, with members expecting to vote on a bill involving the state's estate tax.
After a work schedule that might charitably be described as light, that may seem a heavy lift, considering the bill just passed the House Finance Committee yesterday. But it could be a significant piece in completing the jigsaw puzzle that is the 2013-15 operating budget, so there is some urgency in at least airing it out.
The vote would be the first significant floor action on legislation since the special session began on May 13. It's scheduled to end (or require a second overtime session) on June 12.
House session started at 10 a.m. with a moment of silence for Mike Carrell, who served in that chamber before moving to the Senate. Then they went into caucus, which could take minutes or hours before the actual debate and vote occurs.
The Senate has a pro forma session at 11 a.m.