OLYMPIA — Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. will begin testing its new airliner in Moses Lake next fall, bringing about 100 jobs to that Central Washington community, Gov. Jay Inslee said. . . To read the rest of this item, or to comment, click here to continue…
Over the weekend, we ran the second installment of a new feature called "Spin Control Files," which is an occasional look at some of the people and events that shaped Washington politics over the years. The editors thought it would be nice to add another…
During of quarter century-plus of living in Spokane, I regularly had to explain to friends and relatives elsewhere that it was not a suburb of Seattle and thus did not get rain all the time. Now in Olympia, I battle a new misconception, that being…
Republican Mike McFadden, running for Minnesota's U.S. Senate seat now held by Democrat Al Franken, ignored the old W.C. Fields advice about never working with dogs or kids. He has the players of his junior football team -- or somebody's players, as they look like…
OLYMPIA -- Washington has a record number of voters on its rolls as the Aug. 5 primary approaches. The Secretary of State's office says it has 3,922,537 active registrations, which is more than previous highs before the 2012 and 2013 elections. The number of voters…
OLYMPIA – Gov. Jay Inslee proposed new standards for cleaning up Washington’s lakes, rivers and the Puget Sound, immediately drawing criticism from some business and labor groups that they will be too expensive and from some environmentalists that they are too lax. The plan announced…
OLYMPIA -- Gov. Jay Inslee is set to release a proposal to change the state's water quality standards at noon today, and already both sides of the debate are warning that it could be bad, if not downright terrible. The environmental group Earthjustice is saying…
The first legal pot store in Washington opened not in Seattle or Tacoma or Spokan, but in Bellingham this morning at 8 a.m. First in line to buy some legal weed was Cale Holdsworth of Abilene, Kansas, Slog reports. Holdsworth was almost immediately mobbed by…
Three stores in north Spokane are among the 25 applicants who will get the state’s first licenses to sell recreational marijuana, but only one will open Tuesday, the first day such sales will be legal. The state Liquor Control Board this morning released its first…
OLYMPIA – In these dog days of summer, things that would not get a second-look the rest of the year are tested for news viability under much lower July vacation standards in an effort to fill the paper. Any other time, a press release from…
So, you think you’re a good patriot. The flag pin on your lapel says “Made in the USA”. You sing “The Star Spangled Banner” before baseball games without looking at the words on the Jumbotron. You chanted USA during the World Cup even though you…
OLYMPIA -- Initiative entrepreneur Tim Eyman will not have a measure on this fall's ballot. Eyman informed supporters today that he and his associates, Spokanites Mike and Jack Fagan, will not be turning in signatures for Initiative 1325, an effort to force the Legislature into…
If you live in Washington, odds are greater that you have seen a UFO than if you lived in, say, South Dakota. Or even Idaho. That's according to data compiled by the National UFO Reporting Center, which has tracked sitings of unidentified flying objects for…
OLYMPIA -- Supporters of a ballot measure that would reduce class sizes in public schools say they're confident the proposal will be on the November ballot after turning in more than 325,000 signatures this morning. The Secretary of State's office will still have to check…
The United Nations estimated marijuana use around the world, and the United States ranks pretty high. Not as high per capita as Iceland, where about a fourth of the population regularly uses the drug. But Iceland's a small country, so that's only about 55,000 people,…
This actually aired the night before Monday's Supreme Court decision came down, but Oliver's rift on what corporations should have to do if they really want to be considered people may be even more on point now. He'd probably get high fives from the minority…
OLYMPIA – Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows some companies to refuse birth control coverage for employees is likely to add fuel to both sides of the Washington legislative controversies over the Reproductive Parity Act. It probably won’t affect two other controversial cases that…
OLYMPIA -- Washington population grew faster than any time since 2008, reaching an estimated 6,968,200, the state's numbers crunchers reported today. The Office of Financial Management said the state gained 85,800 new residents between 2013 and 2014, with the majority of the increase coming from…
A century ago today, a Serbvian national shot Austria-Hungary's Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo, and the first domino fell in what would eventually become World War I. Although this being the first such conflict, they didn't know to call it…
OLYMPIA -- Washington residents will have two advisory votes on taxes to cast in the November election. One on a change to agricultural tax preferences affecting marijuana growers, the other involving excise tax on leasehold property on tribal land. You say that sounds like something…
A "food truck" that plans to offer marijuana laced offerings as part of a plan to sell a "foodie" kitchen gadget has rerouted. Instead of attending a public market just outside of Everett this weekend, it will make a stop at a marijuana farmer's market…
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers said she wants to debate her opponent in this year's election -- but only after the primary. The five-term incumbent Republican responded to a challenge from independent Dave Wilson, who wanted to debate five times before the primary and five times…
OLYMPIA -- The state's first $15 minimum wage should extend to SeaTac Airport because the higher wages don't interfere with airport operations, attorneys for the City of Seatac told the state Supreme Court today. But an attorney for the airport argued the city has no…
If there is video of Congressional leaders looking more uncomfortable than this, we'd be shocked. Whether it's because they don't want to be holding hands or they don't know the words to 'We Shall Overcome or they can't carry a tune in a bucket, it's…