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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control archive for Jan. 1, 2014

SATURDAY, FEB. 8, 2014

Sunday Spin: Representation v. judgment

OLYMPIA – For about 30 minutes last week, the Senate rang with debate on an issue at the very heart of our democratic republic. The resolution at hand was a constitutional amendment requiring the Legislature to come up with a two-thirds supermajority to enact tax…

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FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 2014

Amy Biviano returns to political arena

Amy Biviano, whose unsuccessful attempt to unseat GOP state Rep. Matt Shea two years ago became one of the most watched races in the state, is back. The Spokane Valley accountant has filed paperwork signaling her intent to run for Spokane County treasurer. The incumbent,…

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Tuition caps for state colleges rejected

OLYMPIA -- An effort to put firm limits on future tuition hikes at state colleges and universities was scuttled Thursday as a key Senate committee replaced the idea with a task force that could make recommendations to the governor. Sen. Mike Baumgartner, R-Spokane, proposed Senate…

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THURSDAY, FEB. 6, 2014

Signature gatherers could need to register

OLYMPIA -- Paid signature-gatherers for statewide ballot measures would need to register with the Secretary of State and their employers would need to conduct background checks before hiring them under a bill approved Thursday by a House panel. They would have to sign a statement…

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2/3rds for taxes amendment fails in Senate

OLYMPIA -- The Senate turned down a proposed constitutional amendment that would have required a two-thirds majority to raise taxes, failing to give it that same two-thirds approval on the vote. Supporters insisted "the will of the people" dictated that the Senate pass the amendment…

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TUESDAY, FEB. 4, 2014

Legislature wrestles with oil train proposals

OLYMPIA – The Legislature took some tentative steps Tuesday to demand more information and develop stricter controls on crude oil moving through the state by rail and barge. But unlike the Spokane City Council, which Monday night voted unanimously to request more controls on the…

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Today's fun video: Colbert on Super Bowl Coke ad

Stephen Colbert makes fun of the conservative furor over "America the Beautiful" being sung in multiple languages in Coca Cola's Super Bowl ad. Don't know about anyone else, but I'm waiting for some furor -- conservative, liberal, bipartisan, academic or whatever -- over Fox's selective…

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WA Lege Day 23: Health care, oil trains, minimum wage

OLYMPIA -- Legislators have a full day of hearings with a wide range of topics today,including proposals for health insurance changes, restrictions on oil trains and minimum wage. The Senate Health Care Committee considers several bills on insurance, including one that would allow Washington residents…

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MONDAY, FEB. 3, 2014

SATURDAY, FEB. 1, 2014

FRIDAY, JAN. 31, 2014

WA Lege Day 19: College aid bills pass

OLYMPIA -- In a display of almost blinding speed, the Senate could vote today on a bill to expand some college aid to students who are longtime residents but not citizens. Generally known as the Dream Act, it was a hot topic last year, passing…

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THURSDAY, JAN. 30, 2014

Legislators join football betting craze

OLYMPIA -- Washington legislators, in a rare bit of bipartisanship, have banned together to make a bet with their Colorado counterparts on the Seahawks-Broncos game. Among the booty at stake if the Broncos win: Cougar Gold Cheese (courtesy of Sen. Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville), Arbor Crest…

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Carrot or stick to fight pot business bans?

OLYMPIA – Legislators are trying to decide whether to offer a carrot or use a stick against local governments that don’t want to let recreational marijuana businesses set up shop inside their borders. The carrot: Offering up some of the taxes those businesses will be…

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Cantwell stepping down as chair of Indian Affairs

Senator Maria Cantwell, D-Wash, is stepping down as chairwoman of the Indian Affairs Committee. Cantwell said during a meeting Wednesday that Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., will take over the committee in the coming months. No explanation was given, but a Washington Post report earlier this…

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