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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spin Control archive for May 2014

THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014

Seahawks get White House invite

The Seahawks are being invited to the White House next Wednesday for some presidential atta-boys. The White House announced President Obama will honor the team for their Super Bowl victory and "for their efforts to give back to their communities." Perhaps he'll also thank Richard…

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4th Cong District: Holmquist Newbry makes 8

In a sign that politics abhors a vacuum almost as much as nature, an open seat in Central Washington’s 4th Congressional District has drawn eight candidates with two days left in the state’s filing week. State Sen. Janéa Holmquist Newbry, R-Moses Lake, on Wednesday afternoon…

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Washington job numbers up

OLYMPIA – Washington has gained back the jobs it lost during the Great Recession and sees its employment slowly expanding. Figures released Wednesday by the state Employment Security Department put the state unemployment rate at 6.1 percent, down two-tenths of 1 percent from March and…

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City of Spokane plans park/streets meetings

Spokane city officials will hold six public meetings this month on their plan to refinance bonds to raise money for street maintenance and the proposed Riverfront Park Master Plan. The proposal involves refinancing three older bond issues, paying them off and raising an extra $25…

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TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014

4th Congressional District filling up

Central Washington's 4th Congressional District continues to attract candidates Tuesday with seven would-be representatives filing for the seat being vacated by Doc Hastings. . . To read the rest of this item, or to comment, click to continue inside the blog.

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MONDAY, MAY 12, 2014

Day 1 of filing week

A noon-time campaign event by state Sen. Michael Baumgartner brought several Republicans into the Spokane County Elections Office on the first day of filing week. State Reps. Jeff Holy of Cheney and Leonard Christian of Spokane Valley joined Baumgartner in filing their paperwork and paying…

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Filing week starts today

Washington residents with political ambitions have until Friday afternoon to make them official by filing for office. Voters will elect 10 members of the U.S. House, half the state Senate, the full state House, four state Supreme Court justices and many county executive posts in…

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SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2014

SATURDAY, MAY 10, 2014

3rd District gathering Monday

The Third Legislative District's delegation will hold a gathering something between a town hall and a coffee klatch Monday afternoon. Dubbed a "mobile office" meeting, Sen. Andy Billig and Reps. Timm Ormsby and Marcus Riccelli will be at Indaba Coffee, 1425 W. Broadway to give…

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FRIDAY, MAY 9, 2014

This photo from the White House is photoshopped shows President Obama on the "Iron Throne" from the HBO series "Game of Thrones." It was first shown at the White House Correspondents Dinner and later tweeted by the White House. It also showed up on a Tea Party web site. (White House)

'Outrage' of the day

The Tea Party is outraged at President Obama. And it's not about the fact that he was born in Kenya or that Obamacare is assembling death panels to kill our grandparents or he's issuing orders to send all gun owners to FEMA camps. Or any…

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Top Inslee aide stepping down

OLYMPIA -- Ted Sturdevant, the head of Gov. Jay Inslee's legislative affairs and policy office, will step down at the end of June. In an e-mail to legislators today, Sturdevant said he decided "it's time for a different pace and a different work-life balance." Sturdevant,…

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TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014

Mudslide communities getting tourism money

OLYMPIA -- Areas near the Oso mudslide will get some state money to boost tourism this summer as a way to help their economies. Gov. Jay Inslee approved a $150,000 request from the state Commerce Department to supplement local business and government spending on promoting…

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"A country run by idiots"

Audience comments during the Spokane City Council’s debate over adding gender identity to local civil rights protections were at times so graphically vile that Councilman Jon Snyder suggested it was evidence of why the ordinance is necessary. Former state Rep. John Ahern, for example, warned…

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Sims named health exchange chairman

OLYMPIA -- Ron Sims will be the new chairman of the Washington Health Benefit Exchange, which operates the state's online system for finding health insurance. Sims, a member of the Washington Health Alliance board, is a former King County Executive and former deputy secretary of…

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Update: More Eastern WA pot store locations

To check for locations, enlarge the map or click on the locator pins. OLYMPIA -- When the Liquor Control Board announced the "winners" of its lotteries for recreational marijuana stores, it also mentioned there were other applicants getting the green light to secure a license…

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MONDAY, MAY 5, 2014

SUNDAY, MAY 4, 2014


FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014

And the pot lottery winners are. . .

OLYMPIA -- Marijuana retail stores in the Spokane area could be heavily concentrated on North Division, East Trent and East Sprague, based on the results of the state lottery. The Washington Liquor Control Board this morning released the results of the double-blind lottery for most…

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The Spokesman-Review's political team keeps a critical eye on local, state and national politics.

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