WaLeg Day 23: Hearings on abortion, salmon, orcas and pot
OLYMPIA -- The committee hearing schedule is very full today with a huge diversity of topics. Consider:
Senate Law and Justice considers a bill to outlaw abortions for sex selection.
House Agriculture and Natural Resources considers a memorial to return salmon to the Columbia River above the Grand Coulee Dam. It also considers a bill to outlaw keeping orcas, dolphins and porpoises in captivity and bills designed to address better responses to wildfires.
House Commerce and Gaming has more than a dozen bills related to various changes in the state's marijuana laws.
Here's the full list:
Legislative Meeting Schedule
Tuesday, February 2, 2016 |
Time |
Committee |
Location |
8:00 AM |
Senate Hearing Rm 3 |
Senate Hearing Rm 4 |
House Hearing Rm E |
House Hearing Rm A |
House Hearing Rm C |
House Hearing Rm D |
8:30 AM |
House Hearing Rm B |
9:55 AM |
10:00 AM |
Senate Hearing Rm 2 |
Senate Hearing Rm 4 |
Senate Hearing Rm 1 |
House Hearing Rm B |
House Hearing Rm A |
House Hearing Rm D |
House Hearing Rm E |
House Hearing Rm C |
12:00 PM |
1:30 PM |
Senate Hearing Rm 1 |
Senate Hearing Rm 4 |
Senate Hearing Rm 3 |
House Hearing Rm E |
House Hearing Rm C |
House Hearing Rm A |
House Hearing Rm B |
House Hearing Rm D |
3:30 PM |
Senate Hearing Rm 1 |
Senate Hearing Rm 4 |
House Hearing Rm B |
House Hearing Rm A |
House Hearing Rm C |
House Committees
Agriculture & Natural Resources*
2/2/16 10:00 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/28/2016 10:43 AM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2863 - Concerning the administrative rules governing the provision of emergency drought relief funds for drinking water supply projects.
- HB 2788 - Identifying water rights for municipal water supply purposes.
- HJM 4014 - Concerning the reintroduction of salmon and steelhead above blocked areas of the Columbia river.
- HB 2888 - Concerning cetacean captivity.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2596 - Reducing the occurrences of small wildland fires escalating into catastrophic fires through the creation of a mechanism to better equip local wildland fire suppression entities in their immediate, local suppression activities.
- HB 2579 - Concerning prefire mitigation.
- HB 2695 - Ensuring that historic public recreational access is not diminished by the road maintenance and abandonment efforts of public forest landowners.
- HB 2480 - Concerning state natural resource-related agencies providing financial assistance to agencies of the federal government.
- HB 2857 - Concerning tax incentives that will promote the manufacturing and use of sustainable wood materials.
Business & Financial Services*
2/2/16 8:30 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 2/1/2016 9:37 AM
Public Hearing:
- SB 5180 - Modernizing life insurance reserve requirements.
- HB 2898 - Concerning wholesale vehicle dealers.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2640 - Concerning public funds and deposits.
- HB 2741 - Addressing state and local government fiscal agents.
- HB 2433 - Concerning certified public accountant firm mobility.
- HB 2859 - Concerning credit report security freezes.
- HB 2505 - Concerning payroll cards.
Capital Budget*
2/2/16 3:30 pm
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 2:02 PM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2822 - Restoring the fair treatment of underserved groups in public employment, education, and contracting.
- SHB 2357 - Concerning the authority of the pollution liability insurance agency.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2771 - Concerning public hospital district contracts for material and work.
- HB 2772 - Concerning job order contracts by public hospital districts.
- HB 2509 - Implementing the recommendations of the 2015 review of the Washington wildlife and recreation program.
- HB 2637 - Creating the Washington state historic cemetery preservation capital grant program.
- HB 2661 - Concerning the developmental disabilities community trust account.
- HB 2856 - Establishing the office of Chehalis river basin flood risk reduction.
Commerce & Gaming*
2/2/16 1:30 pm
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 2:37 PM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2629 - Concerning the possession and transfer of marijuana, marijuana plants, useable marijuana, marijuana-infused products, and marijuana concentrates.
- HB 2693 - Establishing a marijuana lounge endorsement to a marijuana retailer's license.
- HB 2696 - Concerning the sale of marijuana plants and seeds for medical purposes.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2364 - Concerning the licensing of marijuana-related businesses involving a partnership, employee cooperative, association, nonprofit corporation, corporation, or limited liability company.
- HB 2365 - Allowing marijuana retailers to sell marijuana merchandise.
- HB 2368 - Creating a two-year pilot program authorizing up to five qualified licensed marijuana retailers to deliver marijuana to Washington residents in a city with a population of over six hundred fifty thousand.
- HB 2438 - Concerning gradually increasing the local government share of excess liquor revenues until the percentage-based method for distributions is restored.
- HB 2494 - Concerning penalties for marijuana offenses.
- HB 2520 - Concerning the sale of marijuana to regulated cooperatives.
- HB 2521 - Allowing for proper disposal of unsellable marijuana by a licensed marijuana retail outlet.
- HB 2522 - Establishing crimes related to minors entering, remaining in, or being served by a marijuana retail outlet.
- HB 2584 - Concerning public disclosure of information submitted to the liquor and cannabis board regarding marijuana product traceability and operations.
- HB 2802 - Concerning the provision of personal services and promotional items by cannabis producers and processors.
- HB 2831 - Assisting small businesses licensed to sell liquor in Washington state.
Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs*
2/2/16 1:30 pm
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/28/2016 3:44 PM
Public Hearing: HB 2842 - Financing of improvements for state-owned lands to be transferred for private development.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2552 - Concerning tourism marketing.
- HB 2760 - Modifying who is eligible for relocation assistance for tenants of closed or converted mobile home parks.
- HB 2795 - Concerning tax relief for the construction of adapted housing for disabled veterans.
- HB 2843 - Supporting affordable housing.
- HB 2395 - Supporting affordable housing with a local government fee on condominium conversions.
- HB 2397 - Supporting affordable housing by permitting a local government fee on demolitions that reduce potential housing stock.
- HB 2544 - Authorizing local governments to adopt a property tax exemption program for the preservation of certain affordable housing.
- HB 2647 - Disposing tax foreclosed property to cities for affordable housing purposes.
- HB 2658 - Concerning tribal cultural resources protection in the forest practices act.
- HB 2688 - Authorizing cities to impose a temporary property tax increase to fund historic building rehabilitation.
- HB 2689 - Creating a financing program for historic building preservation.
Early Learning & Human Services*
2/2/16 8:00 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 3:06 PM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2749 - Extending dates concerning measuring performance and performance-based contracting of the child welfare system.
- HB 2874 - Repealing certain provisions governing income eligibility for temporary assistance for needy families benefits.
- HB 2767 - Defining and using the term center-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- HB 2858 - Creating an office of the developmental disabilities ombuds.
- HB 2877 - Expanding distribution dates for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.
- HB 2930 - Reducing the population requirement in a consortium of counties in order to operate a juvenile correctional facility.
Executive Session:
- HB 2591 - Notifying foster parents of dependency hearings and their opportunity to be heard in those hearings.
- HB 2790 - Concerning employment and community access services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- HB 2621 - Concerning the department of early learning's access to records and personal information for purposes of determining character and suitability of child care workers.
- HB 2746 - Concerning mental health and chemical dependency treatment for juvenile offenders.
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/28/2016 4:17 PM
Public Hearing:
- HB 1640 - Authorizing waivers of state requirements for school districts.
- HB 2664 - Eliminating some authority of school districts to exempt students from participation in physical education.
- HB 2669 - Concerning physical education instructional requirements for public school students.
- HB 2833 - Establishing a competitive educational grant program to promote confidence, public speaking, and leadership skills in students.
- HB 2851 - Increasing compensation for school directors in districts enrolling twenty thousand or more students.
- HB 2862 - Preventing unfunded state mandates by requiring school district fiscal notes to identify revenue sources.
- HB 2948 - Creating the career and college-ready lighthouse pilot project.
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm B
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 2/1/2016 5:05 PM
Public Hearing: HB 2903 - Concerning electronic product recycling.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 1525 - Concerning beverage containers.
- HB 2616 - Concerning watershed management actions by watershed improvement districts.
- HB 2757 - Directing state transportation projects to include evaluation under the state environmental policy act of impacts to public transportation.
- HB 2763 - Using the state environmental policy act to encourage development that is consistent with forward-looking growth plans.
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 11:17 AM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2540 - Modifying the penalty for taxpayers that do not submit an annual survey or report.
- HB 2565 - Reducing the frequency of local sales and use tax changes.
- HB 2879 - Consolidating and simplifying the annual report and annual survey used for economic development tax incentives.
- HB 2959 - Concerning local business tax and licensing simplification.
General Government & Information Technology*
2/2/16 3:30 pm
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 5:05 PM
Public Hearing:
- SHB 2259 - Concerning the crime of indecent exposure.
- HB 2436 - Equalizing access to permanent ballot drop boxes for every Washington citizen.
- HB 2388 - Concerning theatrical wrestling.
- HB 2625 - Limiting the uses of the fire protection contractor license fund.
Possible Executive Session:
- SHB 1130 - Concerning water power license fees.
- 3SHB 1499 - Concerning vulnerable adults.
- HB 2148 - Concerning the state auditor including allowing for audits to be conducted by a private entity and establishing an appeal process.
- HB 2388 - Concerning theatrical wrestling.
Health Care & Wellness*
2/2/16 8:00 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 4:46 PM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2452 - Creating the interstate medical licensure compact.
- HB 2832 - Concerning physician limited licenses.
- HB 2871 - Creating a task force on high patient out-of-pocket costs.
- HB 2885 - Establishing a maternal mortality review panel.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2319 - Concerning prescription drug insurance continuity of care.
- HB 2340 - Addressing the Washington state health insurance pool.
- HB 2424 - Providing for hospital discharge planning with lay caregivers.
- HB 2447 - Addressing emergency health care services balanced billing.
- HB 2465 - Requiring private health insurers and the medicaid program to reimburse for a twelve-month supply of contraceptive drugs.
- HB 2498 - Concerning prior authorization for dental services and supplies in medical assistance programs.
- HB 2545 - Reducing public health threats that particularly impact highly exposed populations, including children and firefighters, by establishing a process for the department of health to restrict the use of toxic flame retardant chemicals in certain types of consumer products.
- HB 2580 - Establishing a public registry for the transparency of blood establishments.
- HB 2681 - Authorizing pharmacists to prescribe and dispense contraceptives.
- HB 2726 - Concerning the regulation of continuing care retirement communities.
- HB 2730 - Concerning the prescription drug monitoring program.
Higher Education
2/2/16 8:00 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:
- HB 2804 - Including highway workers employed on a transportation project by a contractor in the tuition and fee exemption for children and surviving spouses of highway workers.
- HB 2662 - Creating the Washington next generation educational savings account program.
- HB 2619 - Providing postsecondary education to enhance education opportunities and public safety.
- HB 2825 - Concerning student services for students with disabilities.
- HB 2769 - Creating a pilot program for community and technical colleges to offer bachelor degrees.
- HB 2755 - Creating administrative efficiencies for institutions of higher education.
- HB 2618 - Concerning port district worker development and training programs.
- HCR 4415 - Approving the 2016 state comprehensive plan for workforce training and education.
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm A
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:
- HB 2483 - Protecting minors from sexual exploitation.
- HB 2612 - Authorizing the termination of all legal responsibilities of a nonparent if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that a man is not the genetic father of a child.
- HB 2673 - Concerning recoverable costs from the recording of certain judgment liens.
- HB 2457 - Concerning recorded interests in easements by an electric utility.
- HB 2748 - Concerning the payment of attorneys' fees to nongovernment parties under certain claims.
- HB 1565 - Concerning the preservation of housing options for participants in government assistance programs.
Labor & Workplace Standards
2/2/16 1:30 pm
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:
- HB 2917 - Studying the causes of workplace injuries suffered by commercial janitors.
- HB 2872 - Concerning the recruitment and retention of Washington state patrol commissioned officers.
- HB 2886 - Concerning electrical scope of practice.
Executive Session:
- HB 2543 - Addressing civil service qualifications.
- HB 2399 - Prohibiting the consideration of the number of citations for traffic infractions issued by a law enforcement officer in the performance review of the officer.
- HB 2484 - Requiring inspections, specialized training, and other enhanced workplace standards on dairy farms.
- HB 2805 - Requiring mandatory reporting of hazardous exposures for firefighters.
- HB 2806 - Addressing the presumption of occupational diseases for purposes of industrial insurance.
- HB 2849 - Adding certain commissioned court marshals of city police departments to the definition of uniformed personnel for the purpose of public employees' collective bargaining.
- HB 2406 - Addressing employment noncompetition agreements.
- HB 2931 - Restricting the use of noncompetition agreements.
Local Government*
2/2/16 10:00 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 2/1/2016 3:55 PM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2841 - Concerning the state building code council.
- HB 2503 - Preventing water-sewer districts from prohibiting multipurpose fire sprinkler systems.
- HB 2377 - Establishing schools as essential public facilities within the growth management act.
- HB 2586 - Allowing school siting outside of urban growth areas.
- HB 2420 - Concerning small parcels of land used for agricultural or rural development purposes.
- HB 2468 - Concerning rail dependent uses for purposes of the growth management act and related development regulations.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2427 - Concerning local government modernization.
- HB 2510 - Concerning existing county statutes.
- HB 2519 - Allowing nuisance abatement cost recovery for cities.
- HB 2576 - Concerning public records act requests to local agencies.
- HB 2590 - Concerning county road administration and maintenance.
- HB 2630 - Addressing the overpayment of wages by a municipal corporation.
- HB 2708 - Providing for fire protection district formation by the legislative authority of a city or town subject to voter approval.
- HB 2800 - Correcting a double amendment concerning county legislative authorities.
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm D
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:
- HB 2704 - Authorizing general authority Washington peace officers to assist the department of corrections with the supervision of offenders.
- HB 2705 - Increasing the seriousness level of first degree rape and first degree rape of a child.
- HB 2817 - Creating an office of the corrections ombuds.
- HB 2838 - Clarifying the department of corrections' authority to impose conditions prohibiting contact with other persons, even if the offender is not a sex offender.
- HB 2873 - Making felony sex offenses a crime that may be prosecuted at any time after its commission.
- HB 2878 - Creating a penalty assessment for crimes involving the abuse of children used to support child advocacy centers.
- HB 2899 - Making the unlawful possession of instruments of financial fraud a crime.
- HB 2900 - Prohibiting marijuana, alcohol, or other intoxicant, or a cell phone while confined or incarcerated in a state correctional institution.
State Government
2/2/16 10:00 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm E
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:
- HI 735 - Objecting to the influence of corporations and money in our political system.
- HJM 4000 - Asking congress to call a limited convention, authorized under Article V of the United States Constitution, for the purpose of proposing a free and fair elections amendment to that Constitution.
- HB 2848 - Addressing the influence of corporations and money in our political system.
- HB 2617 - Authorizing political subdivisions to implement district-based elections.
Possible Executive Session:
- HB 2736 - Encouraging the governor to prioritize gender equality when making appointments and reappointments to state boards, commissions, and councils.
- HB 2663 - Implementing sunshine committee recommendations to repeal obsolete exemptions to public disclosure provisions.
- HB 2648 - Providing for an exemption from disclosure of certain financial, commercial, and proprietary information held by a city retirement board on behalf of its employees' retirement system.
- HB 2604 - Concerning disclosure of financial, commercial, and proprietary information of employees of private employers.
- HB 2557 - Addressing the return of unused shared leave.
Technology & Economic Development*
2/2/16 10:00 am
House Full Committee
House Hearing Rm C
John L. O'Brien Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 11:28 AM
Public Hearing:
- HB 2875 - Establishing the office of data privacy, protection, and access equity.
- HB 2715 - Providing sales and use tax exemptions, in the form of a remittance of tax paid, to encourage coal-fired electric generation plants to convert to natural gas-fired plants or biomass energy facilities.
- HB 2866 - Establishing a joint select committee to investigate the creation of a Washington state council for the Pacific Northwest economic region.
- HB 2933 - Concerning small works rosters.
Executive Session:
- HB 2384 - Clarifying the meaning of mobile telecommunications service provider.
- HB 2506 - Concerning the development of a state plan to implement federal regulations on electric generation facilities.
- HB 2620 - Modifying administrative processes for the utilities and transportation commission in managing deposits and cost reimbursements of the energy facility site evaluation council.
- HB 2826 - Repealing certain duties of the state energy office with regard to preparing the state energy strategy document.
- HB 2892 - Improving the accuracy and transparency of the reporting and calculation of the fuel mix information to retail electric customers.
Senate Committees
The schedule is subject to the addition of more committee agendas. Please check our website, http://www.leg.wa.gov/legislature/pages/calendar.aspx
Agriculture, Water & Rural Economic Development*
2/2/16 8:00 am
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 3
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 2/1/2016 10:03 AM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6551 - Concerning a notice of violation for discharges from agricultural activity on agricultural land based on information provided to the department of ecology by a third party.
- SB 6568 - Establishing a water discharge permit for concentrated animal feeding operations that is issued under the sole authority of state law.
- SB 6584 - Establishing a proof of water reliance application process by which any property owner who relies on legal water availability to obtain a building permit prior to the invalidation of an instream flow rule may secure proof that continued use of water at the property will not be considered to be causing impairment of minimum flows.
- SB 6589 - Concerning a feasibility study to examine whether water storage would provide noninterruptible water resources to users of permit exempt wells.
- SB 6605 - Ensuring that solid waste management requirements prevent the spread of disease, plant pathogens, and pests.
Executive Session:
Other business.
Early Learning & K-12 Education
2/2/16 1:30 pm
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
Public Hearing:
- SB 6431 - Requiring a study of costs associated with maternity and paternity leave for K-12 teachers.
- SB 6429 - Creating the sandman act.
- SB 6415 - Concerning career and technical education materials, supplies, and operating costs.
- SB 6469 - Requiring that cursive writing be taught in common schools.
Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.
Energy, Environment & Telecommunications*
2/2/16 1:30 pm
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/28/2016 4:38 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6570 - Prioritizing the expenditure of funds associated with the model toxics control act for the cleanup of toxic pollution.
- SB 6480 - Creating a business and occupation tax credit for capital costs associated with providing retail broadband service using qualified broadband equipment (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute).
- SB 6521 - Clarifying the application of chapter 81.77 RCW as it relates to recyclable materials collected from residential sources.
- SB 6533 - Improving the accuracy and transparency of the reporting and calculation of the fuel mix information to retail electric customers.
- SB 6196 - Modifying administrative processes for the utilities and transportation commission in managing deposits and cost reimbursements of the energy facility site evaluation council.
Executive Session: SB 6570 - Prioritizing the expenditure of funds associated with the model toxics control act for the cleanup of toxic pollution.
If draft bills, proposed substitutes, or striking amendments are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee's website, http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/EET/Pages/default.aspx, as soon as they are available. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.
Government Operations & Security*
2/2/16 10:00 am
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 2
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 2:40 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6316 - Concerning designated disaster area financing. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
- SB 6525 - Concerning the state building code council. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
- SB 6530 - Providing public notices of public health, safety, and welfare in a language other than English.
- SB 6553 - Providing for improving emergency preparedness by expanding continuity of operations planning.
Work Session: State of the State: Emergency Preparedness.
If proposed substitutes are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee's website, http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/GOS/Pages/default.aspx, as soon as they are available. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 2:22 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6471 - Promoting transparency of prescription drug pricing and costs.
- SB 6550 - Allowing access to investigational products by terminally ill patients participating in clinical trials. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
- SB 6569 - Creating a task force on patient out-of-pocket costs.
- SB 6558 - Allowing a hospital pharmacy license to include individual practitioner offices and multipracitioner clinics owned and operated by a hospital and ensuring such offices and clinics are inspected according to the level of service provided.
- SB 6593 - Promoting greater fairness for taxpayers in prescription drug costs by pursuing prices that are aligned with or lower than the negotiated prices available to the United States veterans administration.
If proposed substitutes are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee's website, http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/HLTH/Pages/default.aspx, as soon as they are available. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.
Higher Education*
2/2/16 1:30 pm
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 3
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 4:53 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6409 - Creating administrative efficiencies for institutions of higher education.
- SB 6457 - Updating workforce investment act references and making no substantive changes.
- SB 6512 - Requiring that a certain percentage of state need grant recipients be pursuing degrees in STEM subjects.
- SB 6601 - Creating the Washington college savings program.
- SB 6587 - Changing provisions relating to services and activities fees at institutions of higher education.
- SB 6189 - Requiring teacher preparation programs to integrate Native American curriculum developed by the office of the superintendent of public instruction into existing Pacific Northwest history and government requirements.
Executive Session:
- SB 6260 - Providing postsecondary education to enhance education opportunities and public safety.
- SB 6409 - Creating administrative efficiencies for institutions of higher education.
- SB 6457 - Updating workforce investment act references and making no substantive changes.
Other business.
Human Services, Mental Health & Housing*
2/2/16 10:00 am
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 2/1/2016 3:07 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6329 - Creating the parent to parent program for individuals with developmental disabilities.
- SB 6382 - Extending dates concerning measuring performance and performance-based contracting of the child welfare system.
- SB 6495 - Concerning notification requirements for the department of social and health services.
- SB 6529 - Strengthening opportunities for the rehabilitation and reintegration of juvenile offenders.
- SB 6497 - Providing court-based and school-based intervention and prevention efforts to promote attendance and reduce truancy.
- SB 6518 - Creating a department of housing.
- SB 6535 - Expanding distribution dates for supplemental nutrition assistance program benefits.
Executive Session:
- SB 6544 - Simplifying behavioral health regulations and aligning them with other health regulations to support clinical integration.
- SB 6311 - Providing a property tax exemption for certain property within an affordable housing incentive zone.
Other business.
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 4:47 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6612 - Prohibiting sex-selection abortions.
- SB 5635 - Enacting the uniform power of attorney act. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
- SB 6556 - Concerning the use of surety treatment bonds.
- SB 6437 - Detecting and deterring dangerous drone operations near correctional facilities.
- SB 6452 - Authorizing the termination of all legal responsibilities of a nonparent if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that a man is not the genetic father of a child.
If draft bills, proposed substitutes, or striking amendments are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee's website, http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/LAW/Pages/default.aspx, as soon as they are available. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.
2/2/16 3:30 pm
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 1
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/29/2016 9:52 AM
Public Hearing:
- SB 6395 - Modifying the election and authority of regional transit authority board members.
- SB 6591 - Concerning the issuance of nondomiciled commercial drivers' licenses and commercial learners' permits to nonresidents.
- SB 6594 - Expanding requirements for certain driver's license applicants and intermediate license holders. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)
- SB 6595 - Concerning driver regulation programs.
If draft bills, proposed substitutes, or striking amendments are to be heard, they can be obtained from committee staff or on the committee's website, http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Committees/TRAN/Pages/default.aspx, as soon as they are available. Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 4
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED 1/28/2016 4:52 PM
Public Hearing:
- SB 5598 - Creating a dedicated account for elevators, lifting devices, moving walks, manufactured and mobile homes, recreational and commercial vehicles, factory built housing and commercial structures, and contractor registration and compliance activities.
- SB 5627 - Concerning an exemption from discover pass requirements for off-road vehicles.
- SB 6100 - Establishing an economic gardening pilot program.
- SB 6156 - Reauthorizing the medicaid fraud false claims act.
- SSB 6210 - Creating the Washington achieving a better life experience program.
- SB 6211 - Concerning the exemption of property taxes for nonprofit homeownership development.
- SB 6285 - Providing that the horse racing commission operating account is a nonappropriated account.
- SJR 8213 - Requiring the legislature to enact a four-year balanced budget.
Other business.