Sunday Spin: Closer look at maps from Trump v. Clinton story
Sunday's front page story details the drop off in votes for Hillary Clinton in Spokane County when compared to Barack Obama's races in 2008 and and 2012, and the areas where Donald Trump did better than Mitt Romney or John McCain.
The story also has the nearly final vote counts for 2016.
To do the story, we also created maps for 2008 and 2012 to do the comparisons, with the winning margin for the victor in each of Spokane's 355 precincts. There wasn't room in the newspaper for all three maps. But since we have them, we decided to share them.
One note on the precinct figures: The computer program that maps and analyzes the results uses the tie as 0 and gives the winning candidate, in each case the Republican, the positive numbers and the losing candidate, the Democrat, a negative number. Not an editorial comment on either side.