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Spin Control Jim Camden

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 2010

Today's fun video: Season's Greetings

Since we're not talking about posting this on a government website, or playing it on a monitor in the Capitol Rotunda, this isn't a political "Nativity Scene."It's just fun.In a week marked by budget cuts, budget cuts and more budget cuts, can't we all use…

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OLYMPIA--Members of the SEIU protest proposed budget cuts outside the governor's office on 12/15/2010. (Jim Camden/The Spokesman-Review)

Thumbs down, thumbs up on Gregoire budget

OLYMPIA -- Reaction to Gov. Chris Gregoire's budget was swift Wednesday as some of her normal alliles is social service groups and progressive circles denounced it while Republicans gave it qualified favorable reviews.Fellow Democrats tried to praise her for the effort of compiling a budget…

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Gov. Chris Gregoire and OFM Director Marty Brown unveil the proposed 2011-13 state budget in Olympia on 12/15/2010 (Andrew Zahler)

Gregoire budget slashes social programs, schools

Gov. Chris Gregoire and Office of Financial Management Director Marty Brown announce the proposed 2011-13 state budget.OLYMPIA--Saying the state faces an economic crisis that requires cuts and restructuring, Gov. Chris Gregoire is proposing deep cuts in some of the state programs that enhance schools and…

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TUESDAY, DEC. 14, 2010

WA State workers agree to cuts

OLYMPIA -- Unions for state workers have agree tentatively to cuts in wages and increases in health premiums for the next two years.Union leaders and Gov. Chris Gregoire announced the tentative agreement, which include furloughs that will bring most wages down by 3 percent, in…

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SATURDAY, DEC. 4, 2010

THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 2010

Menorah on the Capitol Grounds erected by a Seattle group. (Jim Camden/The Spokesman-Review)

Happy Hanukkah from the Capitol

OLYMPIA -- As it has for several years, a Seattle-based Jewish group erected a menorrah at the Capitol. A menrrah was inside in 2005-8, but all private displays were moved outside in 2009 after controvery involving a sign by atheists and requests to put a…

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Budget meeting at 1:30 p.m.

OLYMPIA -- Gov. Chris Gregoire meets at 1:30 p.m. today with Democratic and Republican leaders of the state Senate and House to discuss the state's budget problems and their suggested solutions.And the prospect of a special session to address them.Meanwhile, Senate Republicans released their list…

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TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 2010

Promotion for Camel cigarettes featuring Seattle which has Gov. Chris Gregoire unhappy, as of 11/29/2010.

Gregoire smoking mad over Camel promo

OLYMPIA -- Gov. Chris Gregoire is blasting the makers of Camel cigarettes for its use of Seattle as one of 10 "cool" locations in an ad campaign.The "Breaking Free" campaign, which will use 10 locations on which the iconic dromedary and standing in front of…

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MONDAY, NOV. 29, 2010

OLYMPIA -- Gov. Chris Gregoire explains that time is short, and the size of the budget gap is large, during a press conference Nov. 29, 2010 (Jim Camden/The Spokesman-Review)

Gregoire: Time of essence on budget fix

Gov. Chris Gregoire says the budget gap is large, but the options for closing it are small, during a press conference Monday.OLYMPIA -- Warning that every month is critical in solving the state's looming budget deficit, Gov. Chris Gregoire tried to prod legislators into suggesting…

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OLYMPIA-- Jim Bensley (left) and Wes Kline of General Administration direct the raising and securing of the Holiday Kids Tree in the Capitol Rotunda Monday, 11/29.2010. (Jim Camden/The Spokesman-Review)

Oh. Tannenbaum.

Jim Bensley (right) and Wes Kline of General Administration direct the raising and securing of the Holiday Kids Tree in the Capitol Rotunda Monday.OLYMPIA -- The Holiday Kids Tree was hoisted into its stand in the Capitol Rotunda at lunchtime Monday.At about 25 feet, it's…

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 2010

Obama pardons turkey and other T-Day readings

One of the great American Thanksgiving traditions occurred this morning, as President Obama pardoned a turkey presented to him from the turkey growers association.Actually, he pardoned two. The winner of a national turkey competition, Apple, and understudy Cider. They're off to Mount Vernon to live…

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TUESDAY, NOV. 23, 2010

State turnout record? Missed it by that much

OLYMPIA -- Turnout for the 2010 mid-term election will be about 71.18 percent of the state's registered voters, the Secretary of State's office said today.That's shy of the record in 1970, which was 71.8 percent, but higher than anything since, and better than the second…

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FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 2010

E. Washington gets several GOP leadership spots

OLYMPIA -- Members of the Eastern Washington legislative delegation were chosen for several Republican leadership spots today.Rep. Joel Kretz of Wauconda, whose 7th District stretches from Okanogan County to northwestern Spokane, was reappointed to the No. 2 spot, deputy leader of the House GOP caucus.…

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State wants to reopen union contracts

OLYMPIA -- Thursday's worse than expected revenue forecast prompted Gov. Chris Gregoire to order state employee unions back to the bargaining table to renegotiate contracts.With a proclamation, Gregoire invoked a state law that allows her to ask the unions to reopen existing contracts. A separate…

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THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 2010

Today's fun video: The case for un-friending

Wednesday was National Unfriend Day (who knew?). And Spin Control feels bad about missing it.In an effort to make up for this holiday observance faux pas, we present the holiday song which may convey some broadly held feelings about Facebook friends...Not our Facebook friends, of…

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TUESDAY, NOV. 16, 2010

Health care reform keeping lawyers busy

OLYMPIA – As Attorney General Rob McKenna prepares to convince the state Supreme Court why he can fight federal health care reform, a state legislator joined a group trying to tell a federal court that he shouldn’t.McKenna is scheduled to be in the state's highest…

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Brown says seat Harper, fix campaign law

OLYMPIA -- The winner of a disputed Senate election in Snohomish County should take his seat despite questions over how he won the primary, Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown said today.Senate Minority Leader Mike Hewitt suggested Monday that Democrat Nick Harper not be seated until…

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FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 2010

THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 2010

Butch Ayala, Olympia, attends the Veterans Day concert at the State Capitol in a World War II MP's uniform on Nov. 11, 2010. (Jim Camden/Staff writer)

On guard, at the Capitol

OLYMPIA -- Veterans Day brought out a few historic uniforms, including this World War II U.S. Army military police uniform, complete with rifle and fixed bayonet.Butch Ayala of Olympia was on hand for a concert in the rotunda, taking up a post at one of…

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World War I Memorial on the state Capitol Campus on Veterans Day 2010. (Jim Camden/Spokesman-Review)

Veterans Day at the Capitol

Uniforms everywhere. Campaign caps on senior citizens and neckerchiefs on Boy Scouts. The American Legion band playing in the Capitol Rotunda.Speeches of duty. Speeches of thanks.It's Veterans Day in Olympia. And since Veterans Day started out as Armistice Day, here's the capitol's memorial to the…

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Happy V Day, Happy B Day

Veterans Day is 91 years old or 56 years old today, depending on how you want to count it.Washington state is 121 years old, and there's no two ways to count it.Veterans Day started as Armistice Day on Nov. 11, 1919. It marked the one…

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Jim Camden
Jim Camden joined The Spokesman-Review in 1981 and retired in 2021. He is currently the political and state government correspondent covering Washington state.

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