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Spin Control Jim Camden

SUNDAY, SEPT. 5, 2010

Money pours into initiative campaigns

Soda pop sellers, liquor distributors and discount retailers are pouring millions of dollars into Washington to convince you how to vote on a slew of statewide ballot measures.Some $30 million so far – the majority from out of state – has flooded the coffers of…

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THURSDAY, AUG. 19, 2010

Didier to announce...something...Friday

Unsuccessful Republican Senate candidate Clint Didier will hold a press conference Friday morning in Seattle. To announce what isn't exactly clear.Candidates who finish out of the winners' circle in the primary often announce within the week that they are endorsing the party's winner. It usually…

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Shenanigans in the 6th? Numbers suggest no

Shelly O'Quinn's legislative race, like nearly every political race worth a darn, may be leaving some supporters with hard feelings, nagging questions and what ifs. Wednesday's ballot count showed O'Quinn has no real hope of moving out of third place, which is no doubt vexing…

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WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18, 2010

Primary over. Lessons learned?

Thousands of votes are still to be counted from Tuesday’s primary, but along with most races, some lessons are clear. Lesson 1: It may be uncomfortable to be an incumbent this year, but it’s not fatal. Few incumbents were eliminated in the state’s unusual Top…

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Catch the candidates: Murray, McMorris Rodgers

The primary is over, the general is approaching...and so are the candidates.Here are some upcoming candidate appearances in Spokane and around Eastern Washington.Thursday, Aug. 197:30 a.m. Patty Murray at the West Central Community Center, 1603 North Belt, SpokaneFriday, Aug. 209 a.m. Cathy McMorris Rodgers tours…

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Map of the vote totals for the 3rd Legislative District House race, Democratic candidates, from primary night tablulations. (Jim Camden/Spokesman-Review)

How the Ds split the 3rd Leg District

The three Democrats running for the open House seat in Central Spokane's 3rd Legislative District had very different bases of support.The map shows the vote totals without Republican Dave White, who also seems set to advance to the general election from the Top Two primary.…

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An unusual call for lunch

Just off the phone from following:Cell phone rings. Caller ID blocked."Spokesman-Review.""Yeah. I thought today was election day."Yesterday was election day.""Yeah, well I wondered. I thought they were jumping the gun in this morning's paper. But maybe with mail in ballots they were counting already.""No. Yesterday…

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TUESDAY, AUG. 17, 2010

President Obama considers his choices at a Pioneer Square cafe, Aug. 17, 2010 (Jim Camden/Spokesman-Review)

On the Obama menu

President Obama considers his lunch choices Tuesday at the Grand Central Bakery in Pioneer Square.SEATTLE -- President Barack Obama arrived in Pioneer Square hungry ... and not just for some political talk and economic discussions.He was looking for lunch. Fortunately, the first stop was at…

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WA Senate race: One man pays up, speaks out

The American Action Network’s television commercial against Patty Murray – the dirty tennis shoe ad, as it is sometimes called – ticked off more than a few Democrats and Murray supporters. But probably none had their ire rise to the level of Deer Park’s Tom…

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MONDAY, JULY 12, 2010

Today's video: Holocaust survivor dances

It may sound like an oxymoron, an uplifting vacation video shot at concentration camps. But this "vacation video" of a Holocaust survivor visiting concentration camps and other sites in Europe with his granchildren and essentially dancing on grave of Hitler's final solution is pretty inspiring.

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SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2010

 (Jim Camden/Spokesman-Review)

Steele says he supports Afghan War 1,000%

Michael Steele addresses state GOP rally in Tacoma.TACOMA – The embattled national chairman of the Republican Party insisted he is behind American troops in Afghanistan “1,000 percent” as he urged GOP faithful here to fight for election victories in November. Michael Steele, the Republican National…

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Glenn Avery of Modernize Washington wheels boxes of petitions for I-1100 into the Secretary of State's office on June 23, 2010

I-1100 turns in petitions to change liquor rules

Glenn Avery of Modernize Washington wheels boxes of signed petitions into the Secretary of State's office. Staff photo by Jim CamdenOLYMPIA -- Supporters of Initiative 1100 turned in what they estimate are 390,000 signatures on their petitions for a ballot measure to privatize liquor sales.…

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Today's fun video: Huckabee on Palin and pot

Former Arkansas governor turned presidential candidate turned Fox News contributor Mike Huckabee talks about former Alaska governor turned vice presidential nominee turned Fox News contributor Sarah Palin and pot.He makes a joke, it falls flat. Huchabee should definitely not quit his day job to do…

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FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2010


Today's fun video: Sixth Sense

America's Voice, a group that wants immigration law reform, but not the kind in Arizona, is making fun of Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, for suggesting it's easy for cops to use their "sixth sense" to spot illegal immigrants.Naturally, they mix it with clues from the…

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Revenue day, Dad's Year: Wassup June 17

Washington State's economics experts will tell folks how well or how poorly they expect the state to do as far as collecting revenue in the coming months and years at 10 a.m.It's the Revenue Forecast, which is made roughly quarterly, and lets state officials know…

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Reierson files for prosecutor

And then there were four...Spokane County prosecutor candidates, that is.Jim Reierson joined the race for county prosecutor today, saying he prefers "The Law and Order Party." (Who knew the hit TV show had its own political party?)Reierson ran for the job four years ago as…

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Special session could be needed, Gregoire says

OLYMPIA -- Washington may need another special session of the Legislature if Congress doesn't come through with some $480 million in higher payments for Medicaid, Gov. Chris Gregoire said today.Concerns over the mounting federal deficit have delayed congressional approval of what Gregoire and officials of…

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Centennial Trail now "National Recreation Trail"

The U.S. Department of Interior has named the Centennial Trail a National Recreation Trail, which means DoI believes it contributes to the nation's "healt, conservation and recreation goals."City of Spokane's Parks and Recreation Department announced the selection today, as well as a ceremony on June…

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Jim Camden
Jim Camden joined The Spokesman-Review in 1981 and retired in 2021. He is currently the political and state government correspondent covering Washington state.

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