House passes Equal Pay changes on Women's Day
House approves changes to state’s Equal Pay Act to make it harder for an employer to pay a woman less than a man doing a similar job.
House approves changes to state’s Equal Pay Act to make it harder for an employer to pay a woman less than a man doing a similar job.
Marijuana stores in Washington could be banned from putting anything on a billboard that would appeal to children or young adults.
Eastern Washington family pushes Legislature to toughen laws against using a cell phone while driving.
Constitutional amendment against an income tax fails after opponents argue Legislature isn't likely to try one.
Senate, House seem to disagree on whether Seattle's proposed safe-injection sites are part of a plan to treat opioid addiction.
House comes up for a name for U.S. 395 that doesn't sit well with some Republicans.
Let's get some big foam hands with all five fingers out for Washington, because we're Number 5.
Lawmakers pass greater protections for dogs.
Washington moved a step closer to having driver’s licenses that meet federal standards, but not before the national debate over immigration policy flared on the Senate floor.
In a bit of partisan theater, Senate Republicans vote yes on an estimated $30 billion in taxes that they really don’t support
Sometimes you need a translation to figure out who and where in legislation.
Washington school children may soon be belted in on school buses.
Spokane might get help keeping track of property criminals.
Felony for fourth DUI passes Senate after lawmakers get a few boozy gifts.
The Washington State Patrol and other state agencies will not help enforce federal immigration laws by routinely checking a person’s residency status, Gov. Jay Inslee said Thursday.
Washington could save millions on lawsuits like the claim for the slaying of a teenager in a North Spokane tattoo parlor if it would spend money on an outside office to oversee the Department of Corrections, a Senate committee was told Monday.
OLYMPIA – Legislative Republicans accused Gov. Jay Inslee of trying to scare people with the possible effects of repealing Obamacare. Inslee shot back that they should get fellow Republicans in Washington, D.C., to sign a pledge not to do anything to the law without a guarantee the replacement will be in place.
Rep. Laurie Jinkins, D-Tacoma, and Rep. Matt Shea, R-Spokane Valley, are pretty far apart politically, but they managed to agree, albeit briefly, on the importance of a bill during a session of the House Judiciary Committee Thursday.
Lawmakers might bestow special status on a mushroom.
Some bills that are all but dead: Ending capital punishment, creating a 51st state out of Eastern Washington or a right-to-work state out of Washington.
OLYMPIA – Buying a semi-automatic assault weapon in Washington won’t require a special state license or a more extensive background check, although residents might be advised, but not required, to store their guns safely at home.
The original web version of this morning's story on the city's struggle with zombie properties came with a map that was a bit hard to read. We put an easier to read version inside the blog before switching it in the main story.
Legislators remembered former members who have died.
Unions make showing of strength at right-to-work hearing.
Want a closer look at how the Senate Republicans' proposal to shift property taxes from local school districts to the state would affect your district? We've got the maps inside.