Coming Saturday
Saturday's Valley Voice will have a bit of everything - school kids, emergency services and city government. The students at Pasadena Park Elementary spent the fall reading to earn points. Now they're spending those points to buy Christmas gifts at the Scholar Dollar Store run by Cheri Reed.
The new contract between American Medical Response and the majority of the fire districts and departments in Spokane County seems to be going well. Spokane Valley Fire is administering the contract and data shows that response times are dropping. Auditors gave the City of Spokane Valley a clean bill of health this week, but the city is currently involved in a criminal case against a former employee who is facing felony theft charges for allegedly stealing money from city deposits.
And in a story that shows how the economy is affecting everyone, Spokane Valley Partners has announced that there will be no Season of Sharing this year.
Read tomorrow's stories here for more details.