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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spokane Valley archive for Jan. 1, 2011

THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 2011

Overturned car near Evergreen exit

Spokane Valley Fire Department crews are responding to reports of a car on its top in a grassy area next to I-90 at the westbound Evergreen exit. 1:37 p.m. update: I can't see very much on the DOT traffic camera feed, but crews are on…

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Spokane Valley Police are looking for help identifying the man in the red t-shirt, who is a suspect in a hit and run accident.  (Photo courtesy the Spokane Valley Police Department)

Who is this man?

Spokane Valley Police are looking for help in identifying a man involved in a hit and run collision in the Albertson's parking lot at 32nd and Highway 27 earlier this year. The man (pictured above) was wearing a red t-shirt and shorts and has a…

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Adams Elementary media specialist Julie Custer reads “Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum” to second-graders Oct. 5. (J. Bart Rayniak)

Today's highlights

Adams Elementary media specialist Julie Custer reads “Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum” to second-graders Oct. 5. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak There are a lot of stories to highlight from today's Valley Voice, so let's get started. We hae city council candidate Q&A stories from…

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 2011

Coming Thursday

We've managed to cram a bunch of stories into Thursday's Valley Voice, which will arrive on doorsteps tomorrow morning. We're doing another round of candidate question-and-answer format stories for candidates running for office in Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake. First up are Dean Grafos and…

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TUESDAY, OCT. 18, 2011

East Valley special meeting Wednesday

The East Valley School District board of directors will have a special meeting Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at East Valley High School, 15711 E. Wellesley. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the district's upcoming levy. No official board vote has been…

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Busy SV council meeting tonight

The list of reports on tonight's Spokane Valley City Council agenda looks long enough to ensure that we'll be in the council chambers until Wednesday. The many topics up for discussion tonight include entry signs, car shows in city parks, the old Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way,…

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MONDAY, OCT. 17, 2011

District 13 special meeting

Spokane County Fire District 13 in Newman Lake is having a special public meeting tonight at 7 p.m. to give out information about the district's bond on the November ballot. The district is asking for $2.2 million to build a new Station 1. The meeting…

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Diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease as a teenager, Cindy Bergdahl has not let her vision impairment stop her from teaching fourth grade at McDonald Elementary School, or competing in triathlons. (J. Bart Rayniak)

Saturday's highlights

Diagnosed with Stargardt’s disease as a teenager, Cindy Bergdahl has not let her vision impairment stop her from teaching fourth grade at McDonald Elementary School, or competing in triathlons. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak As promised, we brought you a bunch of interesting stories in Saturday's…

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FRIDAY, OCT. 14, 2011

Coming Saturday

We've got a few good stories coming your way in Saturday's Valley Voice, so look for it on your porch in the morning. I have a follow up story on University High School teacher Michael Cronin. A student has come forward to say she complained…

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THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 2011

House fire on Grace

Spokane Valley Fire Department crews are responding to a house fire near Grace and Kari Lane. The 911 caller reported smoke in a basement laundry room and said everyone was evacuating.

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The Evergreen Railroad Modelers HO layout is built on a 25-foot-by-60-foot area with 18 bridges, a dozen tunnels, a large city and rail yard, three main lines, mountains, small towns and a computer system that allows the operator to run the trains with realistic sounds for steam and diesels.

Today's highlights

The Evergreen Railroad Modelers HO layout is built on a 25-foot-by-60-foot area with 18 bridges, a dozen tunnels, a large city and rail yard, three main lines, mountains, small towns and a computer system that allows the operator to run the trains with realistic sounds…

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12, 2011

Woman being rescued from home

Spokane Valley Fire Department crews are on the scene of a possible kitchen fire in the area of Jackson and Woodward Road. The 911 caller said an elderly woman inside the home had fallen and couldn't get out and that her daughter was trying to…

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TUESDAY, OCT. 11, 2011

Bike and Pedestrian plan on tonight's agenda

The proposed Bike and Pedesrian Master Program is back on the Spokane Valley City Council agenda tonight, but there is a difference. All other discussions have been held during study sessions. Tonight the first reading of the proposed ordinance is up for discussion, so public…

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Elections guide out today

Ballots will begin arriving in the mail at the end of next week, so we've published our annual elections guide today. There's a special section in today's paper that includes every contested race in Spokane County and North Idaho as well as information on the…

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MONDAY, OCT. 10, 2011

Road work on Sullivan Road

There is a bit more work going on near the Sullivan and Indiana intersection this week. The work will be going on between Mission and the Sullivan Road bridge. Sullivan will be reduced to one lane in each direction starting at 7 p.m. today and…

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Sheriff’s Deputy Craig Chamberlin hands out “Stickman Knows” tattoos, reflective stickers and wristbands at Otis Orchards Elementary School as a part of International Walk to School Day on Wednesday. The school has improved the safety of children walking and biking to school and being picked up by parents after school. (J. Bart Rayniak)

Saturday's highlights

Sheriff’s Deputy Craig Chamberlin hands out “Stickman Knows” tattoos, reflective stickers and wristbands at Otis Orchards Elementary School as a part of International Walk to School Day on Wednesday. The school has improved the safety of children walking and biking to school and being picked…

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FRIDAY, OCT. 7, 2011

Candidate debate on Monday

First of all, I'm sorry I've been neglecting the blog this week. Between a really lovely cold and scrambling to get voter's guide information done, it just slipped to the side. You can look for our comprehensive voter's guide in Tuesday's paper. Along those same…

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THURSDAY, OCT. 6, 2011

A team of students gather around a picnic table and bench they built during their East Valley High School construction class on Friday in Spokane Valley. (Dan Pelle)

Today's highlights

A team of students gather around a picnic table and bench they built during their East Valley High School construction class on Friday in Spokane Valley. SR. photo/Dan Pelle We've got a bunch of news coming your way in today's Valley Voice. Reporter Lisa Leinberger…

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Arson and murder suspects arrested

In two separate incidents yesterday, police arrested a 15-year-old boy suspected of setting multiple arson fires and a 22-year-old man suspected in a triple murder outside Lodge Grass, Mont., on the Crow Indian Reservation. Sheldon B. Chase was arrested during a traffic stop near the…

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TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 2011

Tommorrow is Walk to School Day

Everyone grab your walking shoes and umbrellas - tomorrow is International Walk to School Day. Anyone can participate simply by walking to school, but one Valley school in particular will be observing the day. Otis Orchards Elementary has made recent impovements at the school to…

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Inland Empire Paper Co. at it's present location in Millwood circa the 1940's.  (Photo courtesy the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum)

Historic Millwood photo

Last week I wrote a post about the 100th anniversary of the Inland Empire Paper Company mill in Millwood, so this seemed like a good time to pull out a historic photo of the mill. This photo, courtesy the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, shows the…

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MONDAY, OCT. 3, 2011

Electricians have begun to rewire the Valley Mission Professional Building after an explosion and fire rocked the building Sept. 19. (J. Bart Rayniak)

Saturday's highlights

Electricians have begun to rewire the Valley Mission Professional Building after an explosion and fire rocked the building Sept. 19. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak Two weeks after an explosion and fire heavily damaged the Valley Mission Professional Building, the six medical offices housed in the…

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FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 2011

Park Road open house

If you live or work in the vicinity of Park Road between Indiana and Broadway, head over to an open house Monday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Woodard Elementary, 7401 E. Mission. The meeting will be hosted by the city of Spokane Valley's Public…

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