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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Spokane Valley archive for April 2011

MONDAY, APRIL 18, 2011

Dryer fire on 32nd Ave.

The Spokane Valley Fire Department is responding to what sounds like a dryer fire in the basement of a home in the 11800 block of East 32nd. They are reporting only light smoke in the basement, so hopefully the fire is minor.

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Horizon Middle School eighth-grader Lucas Fitzsimmons, left, gets help separating leftover food waste and soiled paper from garbage, as part of the Central Valley School District’s cafeteria composting program. Assisting him, from right, are eighth-grade leadership students Colby Potts, Emma Kennedy and Scott McKinley. (J. Bart Rayniak)

Saturday's highlights

Horizon Middle School eighth-grader Lucas Fitzsimmons, left, gets help separating leftover food waste and soiled paper from garbage, as part of the Central Valley School District’s cafeteria composting program. Assisting him, from right, are eighth-grade leadership students Colby Potts, Emma Kennedy and Scott McKinley. SR…

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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2011

Coming on Saturday

Don't you just love Fridays? Not only is it the last day of the work week (for most people), but it's also the day before the Valley Voice comes out. There will be some great stuff in the Voice tomorrow. I'll have part two of…

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Things to do, places to be

There are so many things going on today and Saturday that I thought I would post a few highlights. They are fairly far flung - in Spokane Valley, Otis Orchards and Rockford. So no matter where you are, you've got someplace to be. The fun…

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Maintenance worker Della Hedrick paints in the East Farms Elementary School boiler room that recently flooded because of the leaking roof. (J. Bart Rayniak)

Rally for the bond

Citizens for East Valley, the campaign for the East Valley School District Construction Bond, will hold a rally at the corner of Harvard Road and Wellesley Ave. in Otis Orchards today from 3:45 to 6 p.m. The campaign is hoping residents vote in favor of…

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Central Valley High School students and emergency responders participate in a mock crash staged April 14, 2011 to warn students of the dangers of drinking and driving. (Photo courtesy Spokane Valley Fire Department)

CVHS hosts mock crash

People may have noticed a lot of emergency vehicles and a MedStar helicopter at Central Valley High School yesterday morning. Nothing went wrong; the school was just hosting a mock crash demonstration. They are held every couple of years to warn students of the possible…

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<!-- Feature creature  -->

Gentleman seeks food bowl, comfy bed

The featured pet this week from the Spokane County Regional Animal Protection Service looks like the ideal dog for someone who is looking for a laid-back, easy going pet. Alder is described by shelter staff as a "calm, mature gentleman." He's a senior dog who…

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Spokane Valley Mayor Tom Towey stood at the pulpit at Valley Fourth Memorial Church and gave his first State of the City address to about 50 people, Monday. (PHOTOS BY J. BART RAYNIAK)

Today's highlights

Spokane Valley Mayor Tom Towey stood at the pulpit at Valley Fourth Memorial Church and gave his first State of the City address to about 50 people Monday. SR photo/J. Bart Rayniak The Spokane Valley City Council has been busy this week, which is reflected…

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Quick! It's not too late.

Time is running out, but there's probably still time to sign up for this afternoon's Candidate School being hosted by the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce. The mini school is for people who may be thinking of running for public office. It will cover…

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Coming Thursday

My goodness there was a lot of people at the Spokane Valley City Council meeting last night. The council chambers were packed and the public comment period lasted for well over an hour. Most people were there to complain about a proposed comprehensive plan amendment…

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Tonight's city council meeting

The Spokane Valley City Council meeting tonight looks pretty straightforward. There's only one item up for a vote - the first reading of a proposed ordinance that would allow livestock on parcels larger than 40,000 square feet in mixed use zones. It would only affect…

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Another opening to be filled

Since Spokane Valley planning commissioner Arne Woodard was appointed to the Spokane Valley City Council last week, that means there is now an opening for a new planning commissioner. An application for the position can be found at or picked up at City Hall.…

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MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2011

Hart Park meeting in Fairfield

The town of Fairfield will host a special meeting Tuesday to discuss upcoming work to be done in Hart Park. Residents are encouraged to attend to give input and hear about the plans. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. tomorrow in Hart Park.

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State of the City

Spokane Valley Mayor Tom Towey will host the first of four State of the City addresses tonight at 7 p.m. at Valley Fourth Memorial Church, 2303 S. Bowdish. The mayor plans to discuss highlights from 2010, the city's budget and goals for 2011. Several council…

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Taylor Keeton prepares to throw to first base from third at University High School. The Titan standout and his team were playing the Mt. Spokane Wildcats. (Jesse Tinsley)

Saturday's highlights

Taylor Keeton prepares to throw to first base from third at University High School. The Titan standout and his team were playing the Mt. Spokane Wildcats. SR photo/Jesse Tinsley University High School ended up getting a lot of coverage in Saturday's Valley Voice. Reporter Lisa…

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Construction on theBarker Bridge has been completed for almost a year, but the contractor, Morgen and Oswood of Great Falls, has yet to clean up the storage site owned by the Spokane Valley Fire Department at the corner of Barker and Euclid. (J. Bart Rayniak)

Here's what you may have missed

Construction on the Barker Bridge has been completed for almost a year, but the contractor, Morgen and Oswood of Great Falls, has yet to clean up the storage site owned by the Spokane Valley Fire Department at the corner of Barker and Euclid. SR photo/J.…

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Taylor Brazeau, 21/2, frolics through the splash pad at the Discovery Playground in Spokane Valley on Thursday. (J. BART RAYNIAK)

Discovering Spring

It's been closed all winter, but next week Spokane Valley will re-open it's premier park. Discovery Playground, 2426 N. Discovery Place, will open April 15 with a ceremony from 3 to 5 p.m. The event is open to all ages and will include a tree…

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Have fun without me

I know it seems like I just got back from vacation, but next week is spring break and I'll be turning over the blog reins to fellow reporter Lisa Leinberger. She'll post as much as she can. It looks as though she will be attending…

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Coming on Saturday

We'll have plenty of pictures and maps to spice up the Valley Voice on Saturday. The design of the planned extension of Indiana Avenue east to the Flora and Mission intersection has been changed to accommodate neighborhood concerns. There will be a map of the…

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The Sullivan Hole

I've been writing a lot lately about the Indiana Avenue extension project and what impact, if any, that would have on the informal Centennial Trail trailhead where Mission Ave. dead ends at the Spokane River. I wandered out there last week and shot some video…

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News and events in the greater Spokane Valley area.

Blog Archives

April 2011
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