Another Valley Fire open house

Spokane Valley Fire Department firefighter Joe Rees, paramedic/engineer Dave Fegele and Capt. Chris Neumann put out a kitchen fire caused by a faulty dishwasher inside Station 6 in 2010. The photo is courtesy of the Spokane Valley Fire Department.
Tomorrow it is the turn of Spokane Valley Fire Department Station 6 to host an open house. The department is working to rename all its stations and has been having open houses at each station to allow people to take tours and offer name suggestions. The open house is from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday. The station is located at 6306 E. Sprague. In addition to tours there will be refreshments and a visit from Mako the arson dog.
The fire department commissioners will pick a name from the suggestions at a later date. On an additional note, Station 6 is slated for demolition this spring and a new, larger station will be built on the site. The current station was built in 1961.