Today’s highlights

Katie McLaughlin hands a treat to a Husky-mix at SCRAPS. She is a student in East Valley's STAR program, which partners with several businesses in the area that invite students to work during the afternoons to gain some experience. SR photo/Tyler Tjomsland
It's time to put the leftover Halloween candy down and take a look at some highlights from today's Valley Voice. Reporter Lisa Leinberger spoke to East Valley students participating in the school district's Success Toward Responsibility program, which helps disabled students transition to adulthood. Two of the students have been getting volunteer experience at the SCRAPS shelter.
Lisa also has details on the second annual Central Valley School District report card. Superintendent Ben Small is leading several Community Connection events at local school to talk about the report card with the public. A list of the presentation locations and times is included with the story.
The Spokane Valley City Council approved the 2013 budget without fanfare during Tuesday's council meeting. They also heard details of several events planned to celebrate the city's 10th anniversary in 2013.