Akey’s hiring well received in area
Robb Akey's hire received all types of coverage around the Northwest, with Jim Meehan leading the way with this story in today's Spokesman-Review.
My favorite quote from Akey: "If I got the job or didn't get the job, they knew what they were going to get from Robb Akey." Sounds like a guy who is going to be straightforward and honest with his players.
Anyhow, there's more. From the Idaho Statesman, there's this piece from Jesse Zentz and this column from Brian Murphy.
In the Seattle Times, there is this story from Craig Smith. And the news Tribune had this piece from Todd Milles.
So we've heard a few comments about Akey's hire. Now that you've had a chance to listen to him (and if you want to hear the entire press conference, click here), what do you think now?
I'll tell you I was impressed with his mixture of down-home friendliness sprinkled with his football philosophy and tempered by his concern for the players. At first glance, it's a heck of an impression.
For more on the hiring and all things Vandal, check Jim Meehan's blog. There's also some thoughts on how WSU will replace Akey on Glenn Kasses' blog.