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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Barton joins Halliday on sidelines


Since Paul Wulff's press conference late this afternoon we had to hit Dissmores, mail some bills, get some dinner and try to listen to the basketball pregame show. That last thing is about over, so we can sit down and pass along what Wulff had to say about Connor Halliday and others. Read on.


• We usually link our story and add some notes on other areas Wulff covered in his conference that we couldn't fit into our follow story. Well, there are no areas we missed in the story as far as I can tell, so we'll just link it. I will say I was surprised by Wulff's answer when I asked about Isiah Barton. It seems the senior's season is over, done in by ACL tear suffered on a rather ordinary-looking tackle on a fly sweep against Utah. But we cover that as well in the story. ... Now we're going to listen to the Cougar basketball game. We're not in Portland, as you might have realized, and are pretty glad we didn't have to make that flight today considering all the news we covered earlier today. ... We have WSU's video interview with Wulff as well ...



• That's all for tonight. We'll be back in the morning. Until later ...

Vince Grippi
Vince Grippi is a freelance local sports blogger for He also contributes to the SportsLink Blog.

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