COUGARS FROM PULLMAN -- Washington State's week 4 depth chart is out, and there are a few changes. -- The "or" is back between Jeff Tuel and Connor Halliday at quarterback. -- Justin Sagote is now listed as the starter at WILL linebacker over Chester…
COUGARS FROM PULLMAN -- Mike Leach spoke with reporters for about 17 minutes today on a wide range of subjects, including his thoughts on a potential Pac-12-mandated injury report, and his favorite pirates. You'll have to look elsewhere for the pirate stuff, but we have…
A GRIP ON SPORTS There was a big hit for the Seahawks on Sunday. It was delivered by Golden Tate on a Top Pot maple bar two hours after Seattle's 27-7 dismantling of the Dallas Cowboys. What, that's not the one everyone was talking about…
COUGARS FROM PULLMAN -- Have a case of the Mondays? Of course you don't, because I reckon you'd get your rear kicked saying something like that. Yeah, that's an Office Space reference. And these are links. Read on.
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