Despite the fact his debut at Gonzaga has been put on hold by a foot injury, transfer guard Eric McClellan has stayed loose while biding his time waiting to become eligible.
Eric McClellan is freshly eligible but his right foot has other plans. My article on why the Vanderbilt transfer will have to wait to make his Gonzaga debut.
It's game day so here' s a glance at San Francisco that also contains a brief update on the next stage of Josh Perkins' recovery from his broken jaw.
And one more bonus note that didn't make it into the paper, guessing for space reasons. It's about trainer Jen Nyland stopping a would-be thief from stealing GU's sweats after the victory over Portland. Find it below.
Just after the final buzzer sounded on Gonzaga’s 87-75 victory over Portland on Saturday at the Chiles Center, a female tried to swipe GU’s sweats from the bench area. The heist was foiled by trainer Jen Nyland, who for a few minutes added security to her job description.
“I went to get Kevin Pangos’ mouthguard, I give him a high-five and I come back to the bench and Jen is running after this women,” manager Robert Ercoli said. “I’m like, ‘What is Jen doing?’And then I see the women had about half of the team’s sweats in her hands. Jen made a clutch play.”
The sweats were saved. GU officials mentioned the incident to police.
Vince Grippi's daily take on all things regional sports has been moved to our main sports section online.
You can find a collection of these columns here.