Example Quest - Who am I?

Hey everyone, sorry for the delay in postings. To make it up to you, I’ve attached a free side quest of my own design. I wonder how many people can figure out which H.P. Lovecraft story inspired me?
You can easily work this event into almost any game. If your players are making a long trip and need to stop for a night, this quest would work well for a side mission as it is just a fun little side event.
It shouldn’t take much time and it will likely lighten the mood, especially if the game has made a dark turn. Due to its particularly innocent nature, use this at your discretion, some players may enjoy it more than others.
Alternatively, feel free to take what bits you want and leave the rest. However you want to have fun.
If you liked it please leave a comment below or on my Facebook page! See you for the next post. In the meantime, have fun adventuring!
“Only the wisest man overturns the same stone twice.”