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The Tech Deck

Thanksgiving free game: “Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon”

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon took the core gameplay from its parent title and grafted on a science fiction romp inspired by 1980s action movies.
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon took the core gameplay from its parent title and grafted on a science fiction romp inspired by 1980s action movies.

Are you a gamer? Do you like free things? Of course you do!

We here at the Tech Deck are just like you: poor gamers looking for cheap entertainment. And nothing's cheaper than cost-free gaming. Each week, we'll bring you a title (or two or three) you can legally play at home without plopping down a single dollar. If you see games you think we should be featuring on the blog, email us at or

Ubisoft is continuing its promotion of a free game every month to celebrate the company's 30th anniversary with November's Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. The standalone expansion for the third entry in the FPS series is a perfect excuse to escape the stuffy dinner table conversation at Thanksgiving time, offering a tongue-firmly-planted-in-cheek take on the 1980s scifi action film in video game form. You can download the game for your PC, free of charge, by clicking the link below!

Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is rated "M" for mature audiences over the age of 17 by the Electronic Software Ratings Board for blood, partial nudity, sexual content, strong language and violence.

Click here to download Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon!

To download the game, you'll need a U-Play account, part of Ubisoft's online service. If you've played Watch Dogs, The Division or any of the company's Assassin's Creed titles, it's likely you already have one that you can log into. You'll also need the Uplay application for your PC, which you can download directly from the Ubi 30 website linked above.

Blood Dragon drops the island setting and grim tone of Far Cry 3 for a self-aware dystopian send-up of action films. Set in an alternate future of 2007, Blood Dragon puts the player in the shoes of Sgt. Rex "Power" Colt, a cybernetic soldier tasked with taking down a renegade supersoldier. Before the game is through, you'll have battled dragons, zombies and (in the game's inspired opening sequence) the annoying voiceover of a tutorial assistant (NSFW video). 

Critics praised Blood Dragon on its release for creating a completely different experience than the core Far Cry 3 game. At the time of its release in 2013, it was the fastest-selling downloadable title in Ubisoft's history.

What's your favorite over-the-top scifi game? Do you prefer this futuristic take on Far Cry gameplay, or this year's Far Cry Primal, which sent the series back into the Stone Age? Let us know in the comments below, and check back soon for another free game. 

Kip Hill
Kip Hill joined The Spokesman-Review in 2013. He currently is a correspondent for the City Desk.

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