Blessing of the Animals
St. Mark's Lutheran Church held their 28th Annual Blessing of the Animals in honor of Patron of Animals St. Francis of Assisi, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017, in Spokane, Wash. The world will celebrate the feast day of St. Francis on Oct. 4.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Pastor Susan Briehl bestows a blessing upon 6-year-old golden retriever “Shiloh” during the Blessing of the Animals, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017, in Spokane, Wash. The dog was brought to the alter by Megan Tallman. Dan Pelle/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Killian Noonan, 10, carries his cat “Astrid” and a lizard named “Gek”, Tara McCollum leading “Bodie” and holding a glass container of plankton, and Ainsley Noonan holding a cat named “Talulah” and Bahia the dog, as they enter St. Mark’s Lutheran Church for the Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day, Oct. 1, 2017, in Spokane, Wash.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Mary Fisher holds her dog “Chester” in the pew during the Blessing of the Animals on St Francis Day at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Rich Bailey gets a grip on his Alaskan malamute “Luka” after the dog slipped his collar during the Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day, Sunday Oct. 1, 2017 at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Pastor Susan Briehl and assistant minister Peyton Krych prepare for Holy Communion as dogs take over the aisles during Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017 in Spokane, Wash. October 4 is the day the world will celebrate the feast day of the Patron of the Animals, St. Francis of Assisi.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Fred Stahl wore his Madagascar hissing cockroach upon his shirt to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church for the Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017, in Spokane, Wash.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Don McIntyre holds his dog “Copper” during the Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017. Dan Pelle/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Killian Noonan, 10, has his glass container of plankton and his cat “Astrid” blessed by St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Pastor Susan Briehl during the Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017, in Spokane, Wash.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Ronna Heide presents her parakeet “Scuttlebutt” to St. Mark’s Lutheran Pastor Susan Briehl during the Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
Peyton Krych, assisting minister at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, holds his dog “Elsa” at the conclusion of the Blessing of the Animals on St. Francis Day, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review
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