Spokane and East Valley teacher strike
Spokane and East Valley teachers began their one-day walkout Wednesday morning to protest the Washington Legislature’s failure to meet a state Supreme Court demand to increase school funding.
Section:Picture story

Spokane Public School South Hill teachers, including Hutton Elementary School 3rd grade teacher Ladd Smith, left, gather in the Manito Shopping Center parking lot, May 27, 2015, during a one-day strike to bring awareness to funding public education.
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Terri Haworth, of the New Tech Skill Center, engages passing motorists on the corner of Division and North Foothills Drive, May 27, 2015, in Spokane, Wash. Haworth and hundreds of Spokane Public School teachers and supports held a one-day strike to bring awareness to funding public education.
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Finch Elementary School teachers, from left, Marcie Zambryski, Jolene Knudsen, Paulla Lally and Courtney Michelson acknowledge passing motorists at the corner of Ash and Northwest Boulevard, May 27, 2015, during Spokane Public School’s one-day strike to bring awareness to funding public education.
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Spokane Public School teachers cross 29th Avenue at Grand, May 27, 2015, during a one-day strike to bring awareness to funding public education.
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Teachers from District 81 line up with picket signs along Northwest Blvd. near Ash St. to protest the state legislature’s funding plans, Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
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Finch Elementary School teacher Jolene Knudsen gives a thumbs-up to passing motorists at the corner of Ash and Northwest Boulevard, May 27, 2015, during Spokane Public School’s one-day strike to bring awareness to funding public education.
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South Hill teachers wave to passing motorists on 29th and Scott, May 27, 2015, as they try to raise awareness for public education funding.
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Emily Sobczuk, Angela Ozuna and Denise Schilling of Holmes Elementary School, engage commuters at the corner of Ash and Northwest Boulevard, during the one-day srike, May 27, 2015, in Spokane, Wash.
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Ferris High School teachers take up positions at 29th and Scott during the one-day strike, May 27, 2015, in Spokane, Wash.
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A Central Valley School bus passes Ferris High School teachers participating in a one-day strike near the corner of 29th and Scott.
Dan Pelle The Spokesman-Review

Tim O’Halloran, of Eagle Peak School takes a selfie with Spokane Education Association president Jenny Rose, at the corner of Ash and Northwest Boulevard during a one-day strike to bring awareness of funding public education.
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Sherri Thies, Ferris High School art teacher and picket captain, shows her colors at the corner of 29th and Scott, May 27, 2015.
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Teachers and staff occupy the corner of Division and Buckeye as part of the one-day strike, May 27, 2015, in Spokane, Wash.
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Finch Elementary School teachers, from left, Jolene Knudsen, Paulla Lally and Courtney Michelson acknowledge passing motorists at the corner of Ash and Northwest Boulevard, May 27, 2015, during Spokane Public School’s one-day strike to bring awareness to funding public education.
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Spokane teachers and staff wave to motorists at the corner of Ash and Northwest Boulevard.
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Georgianna Tarrant, right, drops her boys, Jalen, 8, left, and Nuriah, 10, center, off at the East Central Community Center for daycare before work because the kids’ school teachers walked out to protest the state legislature’s funding plans, Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
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Seferina Medrano, left, drops her granddaughter Olivia McCullar, 5, off at the East Central Community Center for daycare before work because school teachers walked out to protest the state legislature’s funding plans, Wednesday, May 27, 2015.
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Meaghan Franz, 16, Alex Robeson, 14, Madelyn Franz, 13, and KiArra Thompson, 15, assemble simple kites for kids to fly at Pilgrim Lutheran Church’s one-day daycare, Wednesday, May 27, 2015. The volunteers are members of the church’s youth group and were preparing for kids who were idled by the one-day teacher strike.
Jesse Tinsley The Spokesman-Review Buy this photo

A youth, second from right, questions them the motives of three teachers attending the education rally, May 27, 2015, in Riverfront Park. The adults responded by telling the student the one-day strike was to benefit him and all students.
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Longfellow Elementary School 6th grade teacher wore his bowling shirt, May 27, 2015, to the education rally in Riverfront Park.
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Thousands of teachers and staff fill the steps outside the INB, May 27, 2015, for a rally during a one-day strike to bring awareness for funding public education.
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Firefighters join the rally for education, May 27, 2015, in Riverfront Park.
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Teachers and staff gather on the steps outside the INB/Convention Center for an education rally to promote awareness for funding public education.
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Red shirts of the teachers, staff and supporters of a one-day education strike, are reflected in the Spokane Rivers during a rally on the steps outside the INB/Spokane Convention center.
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A Solidarity Walk takes participating teachers, staff and supporters long both sides of the Spokane River after an eduction rally, May 27, 2015, in Spokane, Wash.
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Solidarity Walk participants halt their procession in Riverfront Park to let Progress Elementary students visiting the park to pass through the line.
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Emily Walters gathers strike signs after an education rally, May 27, 2015, in Riverfront Park.
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