The Slice: Reeling in some catch and release
Before summer becomes a distant memory, The Slice would like to cast its line in hopes of catching a few more readers’ family photos. The subject this time is children and fishing. The pictures can be from this summer or from 40 years ago. That’s up to you. The only rule is the child must have caught the fish himself or herself. We’re using the honor system here.
NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!
Section:Reader Photo
Photos in This Album
Ila Van Stone and her daddy, Harold Miller, ice fishing at Bottle Bay on Lake Pend Oreille on Feb. 12, 1936.
Days catch
Photographer: Jeremy stowe
Lake De Smet in Wyoming
1966 after a day on the Pacific Ocean deep sea fishing.
Blake, about 3-years-old
Gabe Missamore, holding up his best trout of the day, at a Spokane-area lake.
Big Scott and Little Scott. Little Scott caught the larger fish.
Aidyn, upon returning home from her first fishing experience, a kid's fishing event at Crystal Lake, sponsored by the Fish and Wildlife Dept.
"She reeled it in, but refused to touch it! She did eat it though. My daughter in 2012."
Bethany Webley Hart, 4, and Matthew Webley, 3, in 1990.
Pond Oreille River
Josh, 11, in the San Juans in 1986.
Jackson, 9, and Liam, 8, Dan and Jonn on Roosevelt this summer.
Jordan with his daughter Audrey, 2, at Granddad's Fishing Hole behind the family cabin in Wyoming.
TJ, 5, left, Michael, center, and Jordan, 3 at Granddad's Fishing Hole behind the family cabin in Wyoming.
Curlew Lake
Blaine Moss with 15-inch blueback on Hayden Lake in July 2016.
Ray and Kevin
Magnus Hannson on Pend Oreille Lake.
7-year old angler at Lake McDonald, Glacier Park, Mont., about 50 years ago.
Andee at a trout farm in Woodinville, Wash. in 1979.
John at a trout farm in Woodinville, Wash. in 1979.
Michael and his brother with their catch in 1960.
Heidi, 10, fishing on Lake Pend Oreille with her Grandma and Grandpa in 1971.
Heidi, 10, fishing on Lake Pend Oreille with her Grandma and Grandpa in 1971.
Jarvis, 2.
Garrett Syron, 5, with a 27.5-inch, 6.2-pound Pike caught off the dock in Cave Bay on Lake Coeur d'Alene in August 2016.
Garrett Syron, 5, and his fish on Winchester Lake, Idaho in 2016.
“Sibling Rivalry” about 1998, Priest Lake.
John, 12, with a 7-pound rainbow trout from "Jump Off Joe" Lake.
John, 13, with the salmon he caught fishing from the shore in Homer, Alaska.
John, 13, with the salmon he caught fishing from the shore in Homer, Alaska.
Grayson Gombosky caught this at Cooks lake on opening day.
Janelle, when she was about 9-years-old and caught this huge trout at Clear Lake.
Keegan, 9, with his first fish in 2009.
Brett Kaiser, 3, on Lake Coeur d'Alene in 2007.
Lila, 6
Cash, 9
Patrick, after a day of paddling into Bonnie Lake from Hole-In-The-Wall, on Rock Creek south of Spokane, in July 1995.
Daniel, 6, and Joel, 3, during a family vacation at Waitts Lake in 1989.
About 1963 my 5-year-old brother, Ron Mael, always got up earlier than any of our family. He went out on the dock to fish. I heard him yelling "Help, help." I thought he had fallen in the lake and went running. He had this huge fish on his line and was having trouble reeling it in. But my dad insisted he do it himself. It was almost as long as he was tall. I think he walked several blocks showing it off. There was write up in The Spokesman-Review on his big catch.
Ben Howard holding his catch at Hayden Lake in 2000
Erika, 7, creek fishing above Ione in 1982.
Payton holding up a sun fish at Diamond Lake
Jim, Santiago and James
Maddie and Tyler
Greg Nelson with his first fish caught on Battleground Lake.
Our happy daughter Laurel holding up her first caught trout with her not so happy sister Cappy having to stop her minnow fishing with two nets to be in the photo.
Julian Maben, 6, shows off his catch during a late August fishing day at Hauser Lake.
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