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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Your Outdoor Photos: February 2021

The Inland Northwest is full of flora, fauna, waters, scenery and active people out to savor it all. Please visit this gallery regularly to share photos of your wild experiences, learning moments, hot discoveries, favorite trips. Help us build a visual tour of what's so great about the outdoors in this region through all four seasons. This photo gallery will be an inspiration to some people. To others it will be a reminder of why we love to live here – and get outside as much as possible.

NOTE: Before photos show up in the reader photo gallery, they must be approved by an editor. If yours does not show up immediately, fear not. The only likely delay is that an editor has not had a chance to approve new photo submissions yet. Thanks for participating!

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Photos in This Album

  • A Black-Capped Chickadee is drinking water from the drip system in a blooming peach tree in my backyard. This photo was taken on 05/16/2021

    Photographer: Audrey Sanborn

  • A chickadee is drinking water out of a drip system in a blooming peach tree in my backyard 2 days ago on 05/16/2021.

    Photographer: Audrey Sanborn

  • Reflections in the Spokane River on March 27, 2021 at Riverside State Park.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Magpie with twig from clump river birch it incorporated into a nearby nest

    Photographer: Mary Stauner

  • Red Shafted Northern Flicker woodpecker perched in crabapple tree

    Photographer: Mary Stauner

  • Grass Widows—my favorite spring wildflower—spied at the Dishman Hills Conservation Area last Sunday, March 14, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Grass Widows are a spring favorite! I spied some on the Nimbus Knob trail at the Dishman Hills Conservation Area last Sunday morning, March 14, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • I went outside to get the paper and witnessed this Spokane Valley sunrise on March 17, 2021.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Fall Maple leaves

    Photographer: Jim Schmitz

  • Spring has arrived along with this well dressed Western Bluebird to the Turnbull wildlife refuge. Taken March 5 2021

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • A Virginia Rail walks into the open to give me a clear look at a creature that rarely comes into the open found in wet marshes thick with cattails. Taken near Soap Lake W.A. on March 4 2021.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • Parker was eager to read the book he found in the Little Free Library on March 1st. Taken in Coeur d' Alene.

    Photographer: Jenna Lynn Sandin

  • Parker was eager to read the book he found in the Little Free Library!

    Photographer: Jenna Lynn Sandin

  • Trumpeter swans at Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on Friday, February 26, 2021

    Photographer: Dolores Humiston

  • Another area of the huge ladybug hatch along the Spokane river in Riverside State Park. There were hundred of them.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Huge Ladybug hatch along the Spokane River near the Bowl and Pitcher in Riverside State Park seen at the beginning of March.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • February 26, 2021, graupel descending on the Palouse as a neared the Rocks of Sharon at Iller Creek Conservation Area.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • March 1, 2021, a blue sky day at Dishman Hills Natural Resources Conservation Area.

    Photographer: Lisa Giegel

  • Icebreaker. I could barely see her curious self amidst the late February mini blizzard this week. Dark, snowy, big-flaked. otterly wild morning on Hauser.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • A migrating Trumpeter Swan on Pine Lake in Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on February 27th.

    Photographer: Terry Sanborn

  • After a 30 minute hike on February 27th in Turnbull Wildlife Refuge I was able to take this picture of these migrating Trumpeter Swans

    Photographer: Terry Sanborn

  • Canada geese mating season. February 27th. Veradale

    Photographer: Anna Erickson

  • Canada geese courtship. Veradale. February 27th

    Photographer: Anna Erickson

  • A Northern Saw Whet Owl gives me the eye as it discovers my present under its roosting branch true meaning of getting the eye. West of Cheney. Taken Feb 24 2021

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney WA

  • A Cross country skier takes advantage of the fresh snow on the Columbia Plateau trail near the Fish lake trailhead at the end of February

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Getting outside, no matter the weather, always has its rewards. February frostbite photography brought me this first-time experience of seeing an Evening Grosbeak. I couldn't believe my eyes! So beautiful.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • Rosie eager for a fetch at sunrise February 22nd (Orchard Ave. Park).

    Photographer: George Stratman

  • We visited Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge on Thursday February 18th. We were delighted to find these Trumpeter Swans sharing the water with a number of Ring-necked Ducks and Canada Geese.

    Photographer: Terry Sanborn

  • Took this January 21, 2021. It is a feature known as Straight Wall. Taken with a Nikon P1000.

    Photographer: Tom Bauer

  • Smiling and cuddling, this Quail covey enjoys the newly fallen snow. Their multitude of beautiful feathers traps air and insulates them against the cold. These birds always seem to make the best of their very short lifespan of one year.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • A gorgeous red house finch with a little snowcap! Colbert, WA 2/15/2021

    Photographer: Carrie Dugovic

  • Red house finches are common at our home, but I found this orange one quite striking against the snow. Colbert WA, 2/15/2021

    Photographer: Carrie Dugovic

  • Icicles in the Little Spokane River during our cold snap. So interesting! Colbert, 2/12/2021

    Photographer: Carrie Dugovic

  • The icicles on the Little Spokane River were so pretty during our cold snap. Colbert, WA 2/12/2021

    Photographer: Carrie Dugovic

  • Braving the snow and frigid temperatures this trio takes to the trails in the Antoine Peak Natural area in north Spokane in mid February.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • A gorgeous day on the Mt. Spokane Trail 140 Burping Brook Loop. The sun broke through and fresh snow sparkled on the trees while clouds raced by in a brilliant blue sky. 2/5/2021

    Photographer: Carrie Dugovic

  • Sometimes when photographing wildlife you get this response . Taken in Cheney W.A. Feb 10 2021.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.

  • A Great Horned owl peers out at me just down the street from my house in Cheney there were 3 American Crows scolding it the Crows called it to my attention. Taken Feb 10 2021.

    Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney Wa

  • A song sparrow drinks the marrow of winter's juice bar. Tapping a fermented apple on a cold February winter morning in Hauser.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

  • This Canada goose was photographed on it's way home to a large field in the Spokane Valley on Feb. 5th.

    Photographer: Terry Sanborn

  • This Canadian goose, seen at the beginning of February, in the Spokane River near Riverfront Park, was warning the other geese away from his area.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • Mallard ducks take off from the pond on the Fyrne Conservation area in Mead at the beginning of February.

    Photographer: Melaine Williams

  • This picture of a Eurasian Collared-Dove was taken near our home in the Spokane Valley on February 1, 2021.

    Photographer: Terry Sanborn

  • The geese jumped over the moon. The first day of February, 2021 finally brings in a welcomed sunny morning in Hauser.

    Photographer: Angela Marie

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