Photos in This Album
Nothing to see here. A healthy buck deer raids a squirrel feeder on Christmas day in Cheney.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Dark Eyed Junco
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
American Robin
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Song sparrow who decided today was a good day for a bath.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Red Shafted Northern Flicker woodpecker.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
This deer had no trouble clearing the fence jumping in deep snow on a -5 temperature day. Colbert, WA 12/21/2022
Photographer: Cindy Miller
Sunrise breaking through fog covering the mostly iced over Pend Oreille River, 12-22-22
Photographer: Nia Patton
This photo was captured during a ski tour morning at Mt. Spokane on December 2nd. This was the last day before the mountain opened the chairlifts.
Photographer: John Wehrer
Deer and California Quail at the bird feeder today, 12/13/22, Usk, WA
Photographer: Steve Patton
A perfect December day at the old Schmitt Homestead in Cheney.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Mother Nature gave me a Christmas gift this morning this Raccoon
stood up and looked me over as if to say Merry Christmas to you.
Taken on Turnbull wildlife refuge I have never seen one out there before.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
It was great to see the sun at Waikiki Springs Nature Preserve on 12/12/2022. Such a beautiful area, many thanks to the organizations that helped procure and care for this urban treasure.
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
If you have bird feeders and lots of birds and all of a sudden all the birds are gone a good chance that this guy just flew through your yard.
A Sharp - shinned Hawk feeds on small birds they can move very fast and change direction in a second.
Taken December 10 2022 Cheney W.A.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
I am enjoying the songbirds in the snow, this one of a dark-eyed junco in the snowfall looked very peaceful to me. Nov 30, Colbert
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
I am enjoying the songbirds in the snow, this one of a song sparrow looking very grumpy made me laugh. Dec 1, Colbert
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
I am enjoying the songbirds in the snow, they are particularly beautiful with the leaves still on the trees. Black Capped Chickadee, Dec 1, Colbert
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
I am enjoying the songbirds in the snow, they are particularly beautiful with the leaves still on the trees. Male House Finch, Dec 1, Colbert
Photographer: Carrie Dugovic
All of Turnbull's wild creatures that I am lucky to find on early snowy mornings seem to be doing very well in spite of the cold and snow.
This Porcupine was having a bark breakfast when I found it.
Taken December 7 2022 on the Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
California Quail are well adapted to winter conditions. Their beautiful feathers trap air and insulate them. They also conserve body heat by cuddling together. Their average lifespan is a mere one year or less. Snowy morning near Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Two swans a-swimming with one goose not a-laying. This late autumn surprise appears to be a pair of Trumpeter Swans but could also be confused with smaller Tundra Swans. The pair could be on their way south to more open waters as this water was closed only days later. Early morning on Hauser Lake.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Good food and sunshine with family on the farm, Pend Oreille River Valley, 12-3-22
Photographer: Nia Patton
Icy times in the sun, Usk, WA 12-2-22
Photographer: Nia Patton
eagles contesting over a meal, Pend Oreille River, 12-5-22
Photographer: Nia Patton
This Douglas Squirrel out for breakfast wearing a heavy coat and a nice long back warming tail.
Taken December 5 2022 Turnbull wildlife refuge.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Man and his dog in their duck blind, Pend Oreille River, 11/19
Photographer: Nia Patton
Ducks and geese taking a break on ice, Pend Oreille River, 11/21
Photographer: Nia Patton
Getting through the cold weather this Bull Moose greeted me on on a very cold morning on the Turnbull wildlife refuge the cold temp didn't seem to bother the big fella at all.
Taken December 2 2022 .
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Red Fox out my office window this morning at Suncrest.
Photographer: Jeff Smith
Eagle whisking away with salmon breakfast on Lake Coeur d'Alene. It's that time of year.
Photographer: Angela Marie
It's that time of year! Eagles gather for the salmon goods in Lake Coeur d'Alene.
Photographer: Angela Marie
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