Photos in This Album
Cleanup crew of Bald Eagles and Magpies taking care of a road kill deer in the winter
Photographer: Jeff Banke
Deer in the snow
Photographer: Jeff Banke
Doe in the orchard on Green Bluff
Photographer: Jeff banke
Sunflowers in a field near Deer Park
Photographer: Jeff banke
Two Common Goldeneye male ducks displaying for the ladies at Lake Fernan, ID. The males will throw their heads completely back over their backs while calling out to the ladies nearby. They swam completely parallel to each other in one of natures rare displays. The picture was captured this past Saturday 04-08-23.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Staying safe from Coyotes. Sunday morning at 7:45 I discovered these Canadian geese resting on the frozen surface of Kepple Lake, Turnbull Refuge, staying safe in numbers from coyotes. A beautiful sunshiny morning framed by the lake weeds and cattails.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
Trumpeter swans take flight as the pond police move closer. Taken 2/15/23 at the Columbia Plateau Trail State Park in Cheney.
Photographer: Rich Zywiak
Swans and geese early morning 2/11/23 at Turnbull
Photographer: Les Merriman
Red-wing blackbird at Turnbull national wildlife refuge 2/11/23
Photographer: Les Merriman
Are you watching me?
Moose at Turnbull refuge 2/11/23
Photographer: Les Merriman
Moose enjoying the pine needles @Turnbull refuge 2/11/23
Photographer: Les Merriman
Winter's Bounty
This little house finch was not hurting for food. I encountered a small winter flock at the Turnbull Refuge Headquarters on a sunshiny winter day.
Photographer: Jerry Rolwes
In December of 2021, we had a momma moose and her daughter come to visit our yard in Eagle Ridge. While the daughter was eating one of our flower bushes, I told her through the window that she and her mom were more than welcome to eat anything in our yard because we had taken over their land. She looked at me and laughed!! Well, I like to think she laughed!! 😜😂
Photographer: Kay Mohr
Foggy Sunset. Not all gray January days are dreary. This photo was taken on January 16, 2023 from our deck in Suncrest
Photographer: Stephen Feider
Whitetail does in the snow, Green Bluff, December 2016
Photographer: Jeff Banke
Whitetail doe in the snow, Green Bluff 0ct, 2017
Photographer: Jeff Banke
Young Whitetail doe near bird feeder in the garden, Green Bluff Oct 29, 2017
Photographer: Jeff Banke
Rough-legged Hawk lands on the smallest spot around. Best view in the land.
These hawks breed in the Arctic. Early morning near Liberty Lake.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Icicle drop in the afternoon sun, Usk, WA, 1-21-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Chickadee having a bite to eat high in the trees in the sunshine, Usk, WA, 1-21-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
This is a Northern Pygmy Owl a small ferocious hunter only about 6 inches tall listen for their call a rapid toot every 1 to 2 seconds.
Usually seen on it's perch remaining very still.
Taken west of Davenport on January 16 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Whitetail doe and twin yearlings listening & watching intently at the wood pile, Priest River, ID, 1/13/23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Keeping my eyes on you. CDA lake 1/9/2023
Photographer: Les Merriman
Parent and teenager dancing in the fog. An adult Bald Eagle and a Juvenile Bald Eagle near Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
The parent and teenager wildly chasing one another in the fog. Adult Bald Eagle and juvenile Bald Eagle near Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Female House Finch in the maple tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Male Finch munching on new growth in the maple tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Dark Eyed Junco perched in the maple tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Mystic Falls in the Indian Canyon Natural Area is seasonal. Getting wet feet the second week in January to see this natural wonder so close to town is so worth it!
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Mount Spokane on 11 January, driving down after skiing
Photographer: Dirk Dhossche
Mount Spokane on 11 January, driving down after skiing
Photographer: Dirk Marcel Dhossche
Mount Spokane on 11 January, driving down after skiing
Photographer: Dirk Dhossche
The New Year's fireworks at Riverfront Park, taken from the Division St. bridge.
Photographer: Tom Peacock
Elk near Higgins Point at Lake Coeur d' Alene. 1-10-23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Elk near Higgins Point at Lake Coeur d' Alene. 1-10-23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Went to Lake Coeur d' Alene to look for eagles near Higgins Point and found a pair of Elk. 1-10-23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Moose in the mist. I came upon this moose on the foggy morning of January 10 while walking the Iller Creek Conservation Area trails. We left her to go about her morning as my dog and I turned around and headed back the way we came.
Photographer: Lisa Giegel
Eagle peering into the river from it's perch and then flying away into the foggy morning - Pend Oreille River, 1-9-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Whitefish Skiing, Whitefish, MT, 1/7/23
Photographer: Jon Patton
A Common Goldeneye duck enjoys a swim in the Spokane River near Riverfront Park on a welcome warmer day in the first week of January.
Photographer: Melaine Williams
Low flying geese before dusk, Pend Oreille River, 1-7-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Morning water color, Pend Oreille River, 1-7-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Wolf full moon visible through the clouds earlier this morning as it was setting in the western sky.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Wolf full moon with jet flyby.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Wolf full moon with jet flyby.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Wolf moon setting in the western sky earlier this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Picking up lunch at Lake Coeur d' Alene near Higgins Point. 1/4/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Take-out at Lake Coeur d' Alene near Higgins Point. 1/4/23
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Non-typical Mule Deer that I spotted near Airway Heights on New Year's Day.
Photographer: Jim Patten
I came across this non-typical Mule Deer near Airway Heights on New year's Day.
Photographer: Jim Patten
Brightening winter brought to you by the combo of Mountain Ash and Townsend's Solitaire. Their usual diet of insects switches to berries in the winter with preference for Juniper berries. To survive the winter these birds need 42,000 to 84,000 berries. In Hauser beginning of January.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Brightening winter brought to you by the Northern Flicker and the Mountain Ash. Ants make up 45% of the flicker's diet but they will turn to fruit and seeds in the winter when ants are often resting several feet into the ground. In Hauser beginning of January.
Photographer: Angela Marie
Eagle season coming to an end at Lake Coeur d' Alene. 1/2/2023
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Taking flight. Eagle season coming to an end at Lake Coeur d' Alene. 1/2/2023
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Eagle season coming to an end at Lake Coeur d' Alene. 1/2/2023
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Eagle season coming to an end at Lake Coeur d' Alene. 1/2/2023
Photographer: Mark Hendrickson
Two young mountain goats have had a rough year with all the cold and snow. December 29,2022 Lake Pend Orielle
Photographer: Gary Miller
Nanny Goat December 29, 2022 Lake Pend Orielle, ID Taking advantage of a decent day, we took a cruise and spotted this Nanny grazing.
Photographer: Gary Miller
Boating on Lake Pend Orielle December 29, 2022 Bayview, ID A good day to get out on the lake.
Photographer: Gary Miller
A Varied Thrush sits among the berries getting through a cold snowy winter often mistaken for a Robin which is also a Thrush.
Taken in Cheney Wa Dec 21 2022
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Geese sleeping on the ice while a few geese and a goldeneye look for food in the open water. 12-29-22 Pend Oreille River
Photographer: Nia Patton
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