Photos in This Album
A red-breasted nuthatch gathering necessities from an old stump. March 31st, 2023, Usk, WA
Photographer: Nia Patton
song sparrow surrounded by graupel earlier this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Canada geese couple taking flight together as one into the spring air. Pend Oreille River, March 22nd
Photographer: Nia Patton
Mating can get quite aggressive among the Canada geese. It is especially interesting to observe on ice. Early morning in Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
The Ice melts, the Mallards appear. Most all breeds of ducks can be traced back to the Mallard. Females pick their mates based on "dancing" ability and attractiveness of feathers. They are super social animals coming together in "paddlings" and even having regional accents. Early morning in the Hauser area.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
California male quail perched in the maple tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
California male quail perched in the maple tree.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
More male California quail activity. This time one of them was perched in a maple tree in my backyard.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Another shot of the male california Quail perched in the tree on the first day of spring.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Male California Quail perched in tree chatting with its nearby covey on the first day of spring.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Red shafted northern flicker woodpecker enjoying the beautiful afternoon.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Snowscape in Cheney, March 13
Photographer: Dirk Dhossche
A rough legged Hawk leaves its perch they will be flying back north before to long we will not see them again until late October or November.
Taken east of Davenport W.A. March 12 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
American robin in the maple tree
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Red Shafted Northern Flicker displaying its feathers while perched in the clump river birch
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Pair of Red Shafted Northern Flicker woodpeckers conversing in the clump river birch 3.11.23
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Red Shafted Northern Flicker woodpecker in the fresh snow
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Full worm moon almost past the clouds as it rises in the eastern sky
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Full worm moon almost past the clouds as it rises in the eastern sky
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Full worm moon rising through the clouds
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
The universally loved Black-capped Chickadee taking in the snow of March. Early morning in the Hauser area.
This Dark-eyed Junco known as " Snowbird " seems delighted with March coming in like a lion. Snowy morning in Hauser.
Photographer: Angela Marie Slotten
Full worm moon setting in the west earlier this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Full worm moon setting in the west earlier this morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Spring is surely on the way with the appearance of this Western Medow lark. Taken near Rock lake March 6 2023.
Photographer: Buck Domitrovich Cheney W.A.
Goldeneye taking of in a bit of a rush, Pend Oreille River, March 3rd, 2023
Photographer: Nia Patton
Ice fisherman heading out on to iced MacGregor Lake, Montana, February 25th, 2023
Photographer: Nia Patton
Male house finch perched in the maple tree
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Selkirk Range, North Pend Oreille River, 3-4-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Goldeneye taking off on Pend Oreille River, 3-3-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Ice fisherman pulling sled onto iced MacGregor Lake, Montana, 2/25/23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Dark Eyed Junco in the maple tree
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Starling in the snow
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Robin in the snow
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Photo taken a few days ago at a place called Medimont, which is off Highway 3 in Idaho, Panhandle. The photo is of a Muskrat on ice.
Photographer: Ron Oriti
76.0% Waxing Gibbous Moon tonight.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Robin perched amongst the hoarfrost.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Beautiful robin.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Robin letting me know what it thinks of the chilly morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Robin munching on old crabapples.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Robin surrounded by frost.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Robin activity in the backyard on a frosty morning.
Photographer: Mary Jo Stauner
Saltese Uplands, February 25, 2023
Photographer: Heather Ward
Sunbathing geese, Pend Oreille River, 2-24-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
eagle keeping an eye on the Pend Oreille river, 2-23-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Geese tucking in against the winds on the Pend Oreille River, 2-23-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
Waves of ice, Pend Oreille River, 2-23-23
Photographer: Nia Patton
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