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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


L.M. Boyd Crown Syndicate

Q. Can you cross a zebra with a donkey?

A. You bet. Zeedonkeys reportedly now sell for around $1,000, give or take.

The poet Carl Sandberg wrote what he called a novel. In its entirety, it reads: “Papa loved mama / Mama loved men / Mama’s in the graveyard / Papa’s in the pen.”

Several court rulings indicate your boss will have reasonable grounds to fire you if while on the job you attempt to commit suicide.

Far more boys are named for their fathers than for their grandfathers. Far more girls are named for their grandmothers than for their mothers.

Why in yesteryears did so few young women elect to study advanced science and mathematics? Some say they weren’t given the opportunity. Others contend they shied away from courses they thought might make they unattractive to young men. Discuss this over dinner.

That matrimonial partnership least apt to end in divorce, statistically, is the marriage between the widow and widower. That most likely to end in divorce, between two each of whom already had been divorced twice.