Stoltz Walks The Walk And Sings The Songs
Jim Stoltz sees America the old-fashioned way - by foot.
It started with a walk along the Appalachian Trail and ended up as a full-time avocation. Now the walking singer/songwriter figures he’s covered 23,000 miles of American soil and he’s still walking.
Which is why they call him Walkin’ Jim Stoltz.
He sings about the beauty of the wilderness and takes pictures of it, too. When he returns home from his travels, he weaves his songs and photos together, along with a few stories, into a powerful multimedia presentation.
Stoltz will bring his show to Spokane Friday night in a concert sponsored by the local Sierra Club.
His message is clear: There’s precious little wilderness left and we owe it to ourselves to preserve it. But unlike most folks with a message, Stoltz delivers his artfully.
“Better than postcards, his exquisite photographs led me through the wilderness he walks and illuminates his songs,” opined the Wood River Journal. “They danced and dissolved at just the right time. The timing of the lyrics was almost eerie.”
He “sings in a deep bass that sounds like a distant rapid in a canyon stream,” wrote the Wall Street Journal. “His songs are paeans to nature.”
The show will be at the Spokane Falls Community College Music Building Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $8, available at Mountain Gear, G&B Select-a-Seat outlets or call (800) 325-SEAT.
, DataTimes