New ‘Weird School’ books simple and silly
‘Weird School’ Series
Ages 8 and up
These two new books are the first in a series called “My Weird School.” Author Dan Gutman also is known for a bunch of baseball books, including “Jackie and Me” and “Honus and Me.”
In “Miss Daisy is Crazy,” second-grader A.J. hates school. Boy, is he surprised to discover that his teacher hates it, too. In fact, not only does she hate school, she also is not very good at things a teacher should know. She can’t add or subtract or even read and write.
“Mr. Klutz is Nuts” opens with the principal riding his skateboard (too fast) to school one day and challenging the kids to come up with a list of 100,000 spelling words by Thanksgiving. If they do, he promises to wear a turkey costume and ride a pogo stick down Main Street. Clearly, the title doesn’t overstate the situation here.
These books are simple enough for newer readers and silly enough for older readers. They also are fun enough to make you think going back to school won’t be so bad — almost.