North Central : Inspiration owed to best friends, family, teachers
From kindergarten to eighth grade, I attended Trinity Catholic School, a small, parochial school full of plaid skirts, tiny classes and outdated carpeting. When I left Trinity and entered NC, I left behind a graduating class of 12, including myself, and became part of a school of 1,200. Needless to say the culture shock was immense. It took me about a month to fully grasp the fact I could choose my own outfit each morning and another month to comprehend changing classrooms and teachers each hour, and I have yet to master the art of opening a locker on my first try. The lessons I learned during those first few months were varied and many; however, the most valuable lessons I ever learned were taught to me throughout my four years at NC from my many unique teachers.
At 5 feet 7 inches, my lanky, little sister Chrissy towers over me. For years she has been the source of frustration, fights and tears. As a result, what she has taught me is patience.
My best friend Greta, who plans to go into film, dreams bigger than anyone I know and in doing so, has taught me to aspire and to not let lines rule my life.
Ashley Delzell, a girl full of extreme talent and humor, has taught me how to laugh at myself.
The original coffee addict herself, Emily “the Nelson” Nelson, has fostered in me a love of caramel machiattos and blueberry scones that will last forever.
Liz Carter, a valedictorian in her own right, has taught me the importance of hard work and procrastination.
Bailey J. has shown me that you are always at your wisest at 2 in the morning in a random parking lot.
Mike Rideout and Brandon Klaus, have taught me the fine art of lawn decorating, the subtle use of the double entendre, and to never let others make my decisions.
My parents have taught me to be independent, defiant, and always polite.
Both of my grandparents are excellent cooks. I am convinced that after years of tedious training, under their hawklike gazes, when I go off on my own, I will be perfectly capable of making instant mac-n-cheese and cold cereal.
Every one of my teachers has taught me to appreciate the joys of summer.
Clearly high school has been an extremely beneficial experience for me. I’d like to thank all my teachers for their valuable and sage wisdom. I would not be who I am today if it were not for you.