Save money, ensure fortune – great ideas!
• What’s on sale in November? Try for good deals on shoes, boys clothing, blankets and pre-Christmas sales. They start earlier and earlier each year. Also, look for deals on cooking and serving pieces just before and after Thanksgiving.
• I have quite the library of books, and I am not shy about lending them out to my friends. I have made up several index cards with my name and address on them, as well as the words ‘Lent By.’ I tuck one in the book before passing it along, and to my knowledge, most of the books I have lent out come back to me sooner or later. — D.L. in Alabama
• With two preschoolers, I have a rather large collection of artwork. I save papers that are decorated on only one side and use them to write letters to family members. I try very hard to write which child drew the picture and the month and year, but even when I can’t, the papers make very unusual and appreciated stationary. — A Mom in Oregon
Dear Readers: When I was a little girl, every New Year’s Eve night saw my brother and I scurrying around the house, placing pennies on each windowsill and doorjamb. I don’t know where the tradition comes from, but it’s to ensure that the house and those in it will always have money for things they need, or at least that’s how my mother explained it. I now watch my daughter scurrying around the house on New Year’s Eve, ensuring our family’s fortunes for another year. It’s tradition.
Does your family share a wonderful holiday tradition? I’d love to hear them and share them with other readers. Send your family traditions to: Traditions/Here’s a Tip, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando FL 32853-6475; or e-mail to