Shredding benefits Wishing Star
“Shred for a Star” on Wednesday and help raise money for Wishing Star Foundation.
Devries Business Services and Wishing Star have teamed up to grant Gabe, a little boy battling cancer for the past two years, his wish for a bedroom makeover with a SpongeBob SquarePants theme.
They will be holding a block party from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Pacific Avenue between Sherman and Sheridan, with the goal of raising $5,000 through a raffle/auction.
Bring up to three boxes of documents to shred; donations welcome.
For more information, call Mary Higgins at (509) 838-1044.
Candlelighters Cancer Benefit
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month and the Candlelighters of the Inland Northwest are holding an open house at the BrickHouse Massage and Coffee Bar, 14222 E. Sprague Ave., on Thursday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., to spread the word.
Mini-spa treatments will be available for a donation to the Candlelighters.
Contact Mary Anne Ruddis at (509) 474-2759 for more information.
Next Sunday, the Candlelighters will hold a Josh Ashby Memorial Benefit Shoot at Landt Farms Sporting Clays, 11829 N. Landt Farms Lane in Nine Mile Falls.
Registration fee is $45 and includes lunch. To pre-register, call Sally or George at Landt Farms at (509) 464-2070.
For more information, call Rhonda Harvitt at (208) 659-7542.
DC Kids
On Saturday, DC Kids, a group of eighth-grade students from Rathdrum, Idaho, is hosting its first fundraiser – a motorcycle ride – to help them on their way to Washington, D.C., and New York.
Check in at O’Malley’s Sports Pub in Rathdrum at 10 a.m. and be ready to ride at 11. A 50/50 raffle will conclude the ride at 4 p.m.
Cost is $15 per bike, and proceeds benefit DC Kids.
Contact Becky at (208) 659-9843 for more information or visit