Chiefs’ success doesn’t take Speltz off the hook
In response to Mark Gustafson (Letters Feb. 17, “Speltz does admirable job”), of course there are no letters now because the Chiefs are having an excellent year. But that does not mean (general manager) Tim Speltz is off the hot seat.
It took a couple of letters from fans stating that some things needed to be changed to improve the Chiefs’ organization, including Speltz’s position. If enough fans express their opinion about wanting Speltz removed, then it should happen. But if Bobby Brett still owns the team, Speltz will still be the GM.
Yes, I understand it takes time and energy to run a hockey club in the Western Hockey League (or any league for that matter), but the team has to keep the fans coming to the games or lose money. If you don’t have a good product on the ice, you will not have any fans show up. This is hockey, but it is also a business.
The maturation of older players and rookies, keeping draft picks, drafting the right players, making trades, and having a good coach all came together this year. In junior hockey, long-term plans only last about two years. Every team has its ups and downs over time.
Kyle Kinder