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The Slice: It’s a good bet that GEG will always fly
OK, where were we.
Oh, yeah. Talking about names.
Quite a few readers said they would love to see GEG replaced as the airport code. A couple of others said that’s a terrible idea.
Leonard Hermens suggested the code be tweaked to reflect “Field of Geiger” — FOG.
Those in the keep-it camp probably shouldn’t worry. The Slice has been bringing this up for 15 years and GEG hasn’t been shot down yet.
Betty Hughes noted that the ONB Building isn’t the ONB Building anymore. “It is the U.S. Bank Building,” she wrote. “Of course, I still go to ‘The Bon’ too, so I understand.”
Thanks for being civil about this, Betty. Some readers are cranky when offering a correction. But here’s my policy. As long as “Old National Bank” is still etched in stone on the front, I get to call it the ONB Building.
In the matter of the worst local street names, a guy named Dale who lives on Ferret Drive nominated his. “I never cease to get a strange look when I have to give my address and then spell it out,” he wrote.
Mary Ann Carey is no fan of Old Fort Drive.
And speaking of potential street-name pronunciation issues, another reader gave the thumbs-down to Forker Road.
Liz Cox suggested that Billy Jack (court/lane/street) might be the worst.
But Gardner Bailey gets a kick out of Supreme Court.
“Slice answer: I heard from a reader who said he used duct tape to address the problem after he split his pants at work.
“How to make a meal sound appetizing: Kim Madore’s granddaughter recently told her grandfather that the dinner, which she helped prepare, had been made “from scraps.”
She meant “from scratch.”
“Just wondering: What do people who work in hospitals think of TV’s “House, M.D.”?
“Worn-out expressions: Mary Ann West finds it less than hilarious when she asks a person if he or she is retired and that individual answers, “No, just tired.”
Another reader suggested that answering “What are you up to?” with “About 5-11” stopped being side-splitting some time ago.
And one respondent said he has grown exceedingly weary of the all-purpose “It is what it is.”
“In a way, it’s kind of comforting: When the local TV news leads with potholes.
“Warm-up question: What’s the secret to keeping an only child from regarding himself/herself as royalty?
“Today’s Slice question: What is the Spokane area’s most popular screen-saver theme?