Scouts food drive starts today
Today, Boys Scouts will kick off the Scouting for Food Drive, delivering 300,000 specially prepared bags to homes throughout Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Scouts will return next Saturday to collect the bags containing donated nonperishable food items outside of the homes by 9 a.m.
The goal is to collect more than 200,000 pounds of food to support more than 15 community food banks throughout the Inland Northwest, including Second Harvest in Spokane.
Boy Scouts also will be collecting used Scouting items, such as uniforms. There is a huge need for assistance, and a large number of requests have been made for uniform donations.
For more information and for local food drop-off sites, call the Inland Northwest Council of the Boy Scouts of America at (509) 325-4562.
Coeur d’Alene
Library open house Friday
The Coeur d’Alene Public Library, 702 E. Front Ave., will have an open house to celebrate the opening of “Between Fences” Friday from 4 to 6 p.m.
The traveling exhibit is from the Smithsonian Institution and will be at the library through Dec. 20.
Refreshments will be served near the south fireplace in the main library.
For information, call the library at 769-2315 or visit
NODA chooses state Region 1 director
Heather Erikson, North Idaho College student activities coordinator, was recently appointed the Idaho state coordinator for Region 1 of the National Orientation Directors Association.
The NODA provides education, leadership and professional development opportunities for professionals in the fields of college student orientation, transition and retention.
Erikson will serve as a member of the NODA governing board and will coordinate regional activities and communication.
Kootenai County
Holidays and Heroes accepting donations
Donations of cash and food are needed so area police officers and firefighters can sponsor needy children through their annual Holidays and Heroes programs.
Local emergency responders will volunteer their time to take children in Spokane County, Coeur d’Alene, Post Falls and Rathdrum shopping on Dec. 14. The children will be picked up in a patrol car and taken to either the Spokane Valley or Post Falls Wal-Mart to pick out Christmas presents for themselves and their families. The kids will also visit with Santa Claus at Greyhound Park and get a large food basket to take home.
Children are nominated for the shopping day by local school resource officers, school counselors, police officers or firemen. Participating organizations include the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office, Spokane Valley Police Department, Post Falls Police Department, Kootenai County Sheriff’s Department, Coeur d’Alene Police Department, Coeur d’Alene Tribal Police, Kootenai County Fire and Rescue, Rathdrum Police Department, Spirit Lake Police Department and the Idaho State Police.
Cash and food donations can be dropped off at any of the agencies listed above. The number of children who can participate is limited by the amount of donations. For more information contact the Coeur d’Alene Police Department at 769-2363.