Old flame enters scene in ‘Chuck’
Tonight’s must-see
“Chuck,” 8 p.m., NBC. This series has been great fun, but leaves a question: Chuck is intelligent and likable, but unfocused. Burrowed in a big store’s “Nerd Herd,” he’s done little to find money, romance or happiness.
What happened to his ambition? We start to find out tonight in the first of several episodes with Jordana Brewster,the beauty from “As the World Turns.”
She plays his former girlfriend, Jill. When Chuck meets her on a repair job, he tries to feign success. Then he spots a secret that brings in colleagues from his secret spy duties.
Tonight’s might-see
“Finding Nemo” (2003, Disney) or “Spider-Man 2” (2004, FX), both 8 p.m. On a night when your TV set is a cheery cineplex, these may be the two surest choices.
“Nemo” is from the Pixar people, who mix beautiful animation (in this case, underwater scenes) and witty scripts. “Spider-Man 2” is, like the original, a high-octane adventure with human moments.
Other choices include
“The Wedding Singer” (1998), 7 and 9 p.m., ABC Family. This is a romantic comedy with Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.
“Big Bang Theory,” 8 p.m., CBS. Sheldon remains one of the best characters on TV, but lately this show has overused and exaggerated him. Tonight he bans Penny from the apartment he shares with Leonard.
“How I Met your Mother,” 8:30 p.m., CBS. Lily considers having a baby.
“Two and a Half Men,” 9 p.m., CBS. Things are complicated now that Judith and Herb have split. He’s chasing women with Charlie; she’s too needy with her ex-husband Alan.
“Heroes,” 9 p.m., NBC. What caused ordinary people to turn profoundly evil? To learn about this, Hiro must go into the past and follow Arthur Petrelli when he created Pinehearst.