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The Slice: They run on toddler time
If you take your eyes off toddlers for two seconds …
“They grow up, get married and move back into your house with their own toddlers.” — Bill Rood
“The next thing you know, they are asking for the car keys and wondering which college they will be attending.” — Jim Collier
“(They’ll do) Whatever it is that you just told them not to do.” — Tammy McQuaig
“A toddler left alone for a few seconds will find a way of having fun, without adult rules to abort the joy.” — Joe Niemiec
“She walks out onto Sprague Avenue, behind our car. I grabbed her and the oncoming car stopped just in time.” — Bob Brown
•One reader wonders: “What are people trying to say when they leave up political signs in their yard long after the election?”
•Life after journalism: The other day I came across the first guy I knew who rode to work on a bicycle every day. There on the front page of the S-R was a picture of Dr. Jason Eberhart-Phillips. The story said he was turning down the job of chief public health officer for Spokane.
When I knew him, almost 30 years ago, we were both reporters at the morning newspaper in Tucson. He used to hang his bike helmet on the wall.
Apparently he lives in California now. I wonder if he still pedals to work.
•Why people pay $20 extra to have their old number on their new license plates: “By luck, the letters are the initials of one of my daughters and do you KNOW how many Ford Explorers there are in any given parking lot?” wrote Ann Elliott.
“I used one of my grandsons’ names along with my son’s nickname to remind me of the letters and I wasn’t about to part with them,” wrote Wilma McMahon.
•Don’t try this at home: Your intended recipient might not have adequate name recognition.
A woman on the West Side of Washington mailed an envelope earlier this month that she had addressed simply “Davenport Hotel/Spokane, WA.”
“It got here just fine two days later,” said hotel spokesman Tom McArthur.
•Today’s Slice question: If you were the editor of this newspaper, what would be your policy about covering the activities of morons?
A) I’d have no choice but to do it. Morons are part of our community. B) That’s tricky. Determining who is or isn’t a moron can be highly subjective. C) Reporting on morons is part of our public-service mission. D) To not cover them would be a distortion of reality. E) As long as local voters keep electing them, we have no choice. F) I’d establish a special morons beat. G) Other.