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The Slice: It’s still worthy of gobbling up
You could say this is a story of mystery meat.
Vince and Dana Eberly are vegetarians. And that’s how they raised their children, all of whom are now in their 20s.
Well, back when the oldest, Jordan, was about 3, he was with his mother when an adult he didn’t know asked him if he was going to have turkey for Thanksgiving. Young Jordan was noncommittal.
“On Thanksgiving morning, we had croissants for breakfast,” wrote Vince.
It was the first time Jordan had encountered these baked treats.
“He took one look at them and announced, ‘Turkey!’ ”
It was an understandable mistake. After all, he had no idea what the real thing looked like.
“So, ever since, it’s not a Thanksgiving (or a Christmas) unless we have ‘turkey’ for breakfast,” said Jordan’s dad.
•Speaking of turkey: Connie King shared some reports students at her school wrote on the theme, “How to cook a Thanksgiving turkey.”
The beginning of one by 6-year-old Chet caught my eye.
“You can maybe get a turkey at a pet shop. At least a 3 pound one. If there’s three in my family, we could each have a pound. It would maybe cost about $100.”
Then there was this from 8-year-old Madison. She noted that you will know when the bird is done cooking in part because “It will smell like turkey.”
And 6-year-old A.J. addressed saying grace. “Either mom, dad, me or my sister prays. The dogs pray in their heads.”
•Moments of ordinary life stamped with an indelible memory: I had sort of thought of it as a “discuss among yourselves” question. But more than 100 Slice readers shared recollections of where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news about JFK in 1963.
After reading the heartfelt e-mails and listening to the phone messages, I had to get up and take a short walk before moving on to the next task.
•Warm-up questions: If you were going to memorize a book like in “Fahrenheit 451,” what volume would you choose? If you got to have possession of the Stanley Cup for a day like the players and coaches on the winning team — such as former Chiefs coach Mike Babcock, where would you go with it and what would you do? How would Linus respond if Charlie Brown cried out, “Doesn’t anyone here know what Thanksgiving is all about?”
•Today’s Slice question: Who will travel the greatest distance to come to the Inland Northwest for the holiday?