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Noise just part of city life

The Spokesman-Review

Is Ms. Lundy (Letters, Aug. 13) unaware that she lives in the city, where everyday living means noise, including a variety of equipment volumes, vehicles speeding and honking, barking dogs, neighborhood conversations, laughing and screaming children, slamming doors, etc.?

If all this noise is too much for her tender ears, perhaps she should consider moving to a large acreage in the country where she could live in complete, blissful silence. However, the first time she needs her mail delivered, a quick run to the store, a delivery of any kind, emergency help, or even a little conversation with a neighbor, remember, it was her choice to eliminate all those noisy things from her life.

I can only imagine what a sight she is in her summer earmuffs! You can’t control everything and everyone in your life, so relax, stop whining, and learn to live with most things, or just move out. And good luck finding that perfect piece of silent property. I have a feeling that will be impossible for Ms. Lundy.

Lonita Daly

Nine Mile Falls

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