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Turner’s letter to Spokanites

The Spokesman-Review

The Tuesday, May 12, paper proved to be a valuable reminder of why I have a daily subscription.

The anger I felt from the headline was nicely salved by Paul Turner’s humor. The river cleanup time being extended “to within 20 years” left me speechlessly angry. It means a second generation of teens will fear the river and be left without a physical (in the water) attachment to our city’s greatest asset.

On the other hand, Paul Turner made me laugh out loud. As a child of the ’70s who whiled away summer afternoons between the morning and evening open-swim sessions watching “Star Trek” repeats, Paul’s Spokane/“Star Trek” comparisons moved me to reading out loud for my less-amused wife and children.

I finally get it. Paul’s job is to create and maintain the unique cultural identity of Spokane. Anger, humor, both reinforcing our cultural identity, all is in the same day; weekend-only and nonsubscribers miss this good stuff.

Blake Albretsen

Spokane Valley

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