Education Notebook: Spirit game seeks donations
On Dec. 11, the leadership/ASB students at Lewis and Clark High School will hold “Do Your Part at Hart,” a community benefit, as part of the Rubber Chicken, LC’s longtime spirit competition with Ferris High School. Last year Ferris took Chuck, the highly coveted bird, and LC wants him back. The friendly feud will take place on Feb. 8.
Students will spend the day at Hart Field, 3700 S. Grand Blvd., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., collecting donations of money and nonperishable food from members of the community and Rubber Chicken supporters. Students also will be accepting donations at Albertsons, 510 E. 37th Ave.
Chantal Czarapata, the marketing/DECA adviser said of her students, “They really want the community to be involved, not just the students.” The goal for the daylong event is to collect more than 1,000 pounds of food.
LC students will continue to collect donations through Dec. 17 and will help support the LCHS annual food drive. All food and money collected will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank.
Ferris’ Project Hope presents ‘Fairytale’
Ferris High School’s Project Hope will perform the children’s play, “Fairytale Courtroom,” next Thursday and Friday in the Ferris Auditorium.
According to a press release, the performance is a tale based on characters in familiar fairytales, such as “The Three Little Pigs” and “Snow White.” The Big Bad Wolf and the Wicked Witch might be put on trial for their crimes, including attempted murder and trespassing. The audience will have an opportunity to decide if they are guilty or innocent.
The cast includes all Ferris drama students. The production was chosen, cast, directed and produced by Ferris students.
Project Hope is the Theater Arts Department’s service learning project by the drama 1 class with advanced drama students directing and producing. The release states that the group’s goal is to educate and raise funds for Invisible Children, an organization seeking to end the conflict in Uganda and Congo and stop the abduction of children for use as soldiers.
The 7 p.m. shows will include silent auctions. Tickets are $5 per person and may be purchased at the door.
All proceeds will benefit Invisible Children.
Christmas pageant onstage at St. Patrick
Students at St. Patrick Catholic School, 2706 E. Queen Ave., will celebrate the season with their annual Christmas program, “The St. Nicholas Pageant,” on Dec. 16 in St. Patrick Church, beginning at 7 p.m.
St. Patrick students will dress in full costume and share the story of St. Nicholas and the birth of Jesus Christ at Bethlehem. For more information call (509) 638-2527.
Historic registry adds Rogers High School
Rogers High School was recently added to the Washington State Heritage Register by the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, according to a press release from Spokane Public Schools.
Rogers joins more than 1,600 other historic and culturally significant buildings on the register for their unique contributions to Washington’s heritage. The release says the state historic preservation officer has forwarded Rogers’ nomination to the Keeper of the National Register with a request that it be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, based on Spokane Public Schools’ restoration of this north Spokane landmark.