Obama secures GOP votes for US-Russia arms pact
Senate advances arms treaty, final vote on Wednesday
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama locked up enough Senate Republican votes Tuesday to ratify a new arms control treaty with Russia that would cap nuclear warheads for both former Cold War foes and restart on-site weapons inspections.
Eleven Republicans joined Democrats in a 67-28 proxy vote to wind up the debate and hold a final tally on Wednesday. They broke ranks with the Senate’s top two Republicans and were poised to give Obama a win on his top foreign policy priority.
“We know when we’ve been beaten,” Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah told reporters hours before the vote.
Ratification requires two-thirds of those voting in the Senate and Democrats need at least nine Republicans to overcome the opposition of Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and Jon Kyl of Arizona, the party’s point man on the pact.
The Obama administration has made arms control negotiations the centerpiece of resetting its relationship with Russia, and the treaty was critical to any rapprochement.
Momentum for the accord accelerated earlier in the day Tuesday - the seventh day of debate - when Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the No. 3 Republican in the Senate, announced his support.
The treaty will leave the United States “with enough nuclear warheads to blow any attacker to kingdom come,” Alexander said on the Senate floor, adding, “I’m convinced that Americans are safer and more secure with the New START treaty than without it.”
Four other Republican senators - Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Johnny Isakson of Georgia, Bob Corker of Tennessee and Robert Bennett of Utah - said they would back the pact.
“We are on the brink of writing the next chapter in the 40-year history of wrestling with the threat of nuclear weapons,” Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass., said after the vote.
Obama has insisted the treaty is a national security imperative that will improve cooperation with Russia, an argument loudly echoed by the nation’s military and foreign policy leaders, former Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton and six Republican secretaries of state.
In a fresh appeal for ratification, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Tuesday that the treaty would “strengthen our leadership role in stopping the proliferation of nuclear weapons, and provide the necessary flexibility to structure our strategic nuclear forces to best meet national security interest