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Bad signs at EWU

Recent stories in the S-R have focused on the dilemmas faced by our state institutions of higher education and the students they serve. The problems are real.

Historically, the Legislature and the governor have relied on the colossal brains of university leadership to know what is best for their institution. Anyone outside the university or employees below a certain level within the employment structure is deemed unworthy of input into how an institution spends its money.

The idea is that university leaders possess the intellectual skills to consider all facets of a spending decision: Is it good for the institution? Is it an appropriate use of taxpayer dollars? And does it benefit students? It is a myth.

The colossal brains managing Eastern Washington University have no more interest in taxpayers and students than they do in bedpans. The latest example of their arrogance is the current installation of five signs at so-called entry points to the campus.

To date, EWU has spent approximately $680,000 on the signs. This includes design, consultants and construction. There is a statewide budget crisis; EWU employees have lost their jobs; and student tuition is up almost 3 percent.

Spending this amount of money on five signs is disgusting.

Tom McArthur


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