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Medicaid cuts are a low blow

Idaho’s governing GOP’s ugly underbelly was shining brightly recently with its decision to cut Medicaid funding further for this state’s most vulnerable citizens. Seriously mentally and developmentally challenged folks are being turned to the streets and jails by these wise men and women leaders, as they decided it was fiscally great to cut almost $2 million from those programs, losing an additional $6-plus million in federal Medicaid matching funds.

These startling mathematical geniuses refused to cough up a lousy $1.8 million, which would have guaranteed over $8 million for these already stripped and underfunded programs. These are the same folks who are very happy to give secret tax breaks to their friends and pro-business pals.

From the number of secret tax breaks some are given, in the hundreds of thousands, it would take just a few of these lucky persons to pay their fair share of taxes to make up that $1.8 million. If anyone is wondering about the GOP and the conservative party, take a close look: This is them at their most honest.

Linda Bonuccelli

Coeur d’Alene

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